Chapter 40

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Steve and Natasha are waiting. It's been an hour and a half since Natasha entered the operating room. "This is taking so long. Why don't they let us know how things are going?!" Peggy grabs Steve's hand tightly, her other hand on her bulging belly.

"As they say, no news is good news." Steve sighs and leans back in his chair.

They don't have to wait long anymore because the nurse comes out to tell them the news. "We had some complications, mainly because the baby is premature. But everything turned out well. They are now resting in a recovery room."

"Can we go have a look!?" asks Peggy enthusiastically.

"Just for a little while. Baby and mother have to rest well."

Steve helps Peggy up and they leave for the recovery room. There they see Natasha is on the bed. On her chest is a tiny person wrapped in a warm blanket, and wearing a small light pink hat. Bucky is sitting on a chair next to her.

"Congratulations!" whispers Peggy.

Both look up and smile. "Thanks."

"We named her Emma Winnifred."

"After your mother Buck."

Bucky nods. "It was Natasha's idea."

"She would be really proud of you Buck." Steve places his hand on his shoulder. "We'll let you rest for now."

Steve and Peggy leave the room.


Natasha wakes up after a nap. She scans the room searching for Emma and finds Bucky on the chair, holding their daughter. He is shirtless and cradling Emma in his arm. She is covered with a blanket. Bucky looks up and sees Natasha looking at him.

"Hi doll, had a good nap?"

"Yes I did."

It's amazing seeing her husband with their baby. Something she never thought would happen.

"She looks just like you Natalia."

"But she has your eyes James."

A nurse enters the room. "Let me take her, I'll put her pack in the incubator." She wraps her in her blanket and gently picks her up.

Bucky stretches and yawns. "Why don't you take a nap James?" Bucky just nods and kisses Natasha on her forehead an leaves the room.

"Now I have time to check your stitches" she nurse says. Natasha pulls up her shirt and the nurse takes of the bandages. "Mmm-hmm. It looks like your healing good. It can take 4 to 6 weeks till your fully healed."

"Six weeks?! That long?" she grunts.

The nurse puts back clean bandages and lowers her shirt. "You should take a walk, that'll be good for you. I believe that you have some visitors. Maybe they can take you."


Wanda and Yelena walk in the room.



"Where is my little niece?!" Yelena runs up to the incubator and waves through the case. "She's so small!"

Wanda also takes a look. "Is she doing okay?"

"Yes she is doing great." Natasha replies. "That thing is just for a few weeks. So she can have the best start she can have." Natasha lets her legs hang from the bed until she reaches the ground. "Would you guys mind taking me on a walk?"

"Sure!" Yelena reaches out her arm and Natasha grabs it tight. Together they walk out the room on the hallway for the walk.

"They told me you had a C-section. Must be painful."

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