Chapter 7

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It's the next day and as Bucky wakes up he glares at his alarm clock. It's 3:15 A.M. and he decides to get up and work-out. He pulls on his sweatpants and t-shirt he threw on the chair the day before. It's really quiet when he walks down the hallway. He opens the door of the training room and fills his bottle with water and takes a big sip. His new arm feels fantastic. It's light and it's just handy to have 2 arms again.

He walks towards the punching bag and starts hitting it. After 15 minutes he notices that the bag begins to tear. "Fuck."

With no spare bag lying around he starts up the treadmill and starts running. After 30 minutes of running on the highest setting, he hears the door open. It's Natasha.

She is wearing a complete black outfit. Bucky notices her curves, perfect. Also her hair, it's red but the ends are blonde. He always had a thing for red heads. He notices that he is staring and almost trips.

"Couldn't sleep?" she asks Bucky.

"No, you neither?" Natasha nods.

She was thinking about what happened here the pas few days. How she finally found Bucky and how things almost went wrong. She was running so many thoughts through her mind that sleep wouldn't come. After finishing a book, she decided to get a work-out, not knowing Bucky would be here too. Maybe she can use this to her advantage.

"Wanna do a sparring session?" she asks Bucky.

Bucky nods. "Sure." Training with a sparring partner is always a good idea so he stops the treadmill and climbs onto the boxing ring standing in the corner of the huge room. He holds the ropes up for Natasha so she can climb into the ring.

Bucky is ready, he has had a nice warm up. He takes another sip from his bottle. Natasha is stretching her muscles. Bucky can't seem to stop staring, not knowing why.

"Are you ready?" she asks with a smirk on her face.

Bucky nods. He knows damn well not to mess with a Black Widow. They are skillful and good at what they were trained to do. Natasha no exception.

They stand opposite of each other, waiting for the other to make a move.

Natasha makes a swift pirouette and kicks high. Bucky catches the kick with his metal arm and smiles. She proceeds punching but he blocks them all. He grabs her by the arms, pulling her into his chest. "Is this all you got?" He asks.

Natasha smiles. She breaks loose and tries to land some kicks and punches but Bucky dodges them again. "Are you even trying?" He asks playfully.

"Do you want me to?" She responds

Bucky laughing and nods. "Yes, ma'am"

Natasha uses the ropes of the ring to launch her towards Bucky. She kicks him in the chest with her knee. He hits back, Natasha dodges. After a few more dodged punches she hits him in the chin.

He grunt and runs his fingers over his bottom lip. He wipes away a small smudge of blood. "That's better" Bucky mutters.

"You need to stop holding back too." Natasha commands, she knows Bucky is holding back so she punches him in the face again. Bucky trips back into the ropes. He smiles and checks his lips for more blood. Just a drop.

Not holding back anymore, he kicks Natasha in the chest. She falls flat on her back and groans. Bucky startles. "I'm sorry, did I hurt you bad?" He extends his hand to help her up. She grabs it and uses her feet to tackle Bucky and ends up on top of him, with her hands besides his head on the boxing ring floor.

"Can't believe you fell for that." She smiles.

"Me neither." Both laugh.

His eyes linger to the mark on her neck and het reaches his fingers to touch it. It's the mark he caused on her neck by almost chocking her to death. Natasha stares into his blue eyes that slowly fill with guilt.

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