Chapter 26

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I has been a few days since Tony arrived to work with Nakia and Shuri on the tracking device. In the meantime Tony has flown in more tech from his own lab to help with the development of the tracker.

Bucky and Steve stay out of his way to make sure nothing happens between them. Natasha checks up on them every now and then so she can report to Bucky and Steve.

Steve is walking through the hallway. He is planning to get a workout in the gym. To get there, he has to walk past the lab. He starts a small sprint to quickly walk past and not bump into anyone. He looks around when he is almost at the gym but bump into someone.

"Watch out Golden Boy."

It's Tony.

"Sorry Tony." Steve says and starts to walk again.

"You have a nice hiding place here." says Tony sarcastically. "Did you know the authorities are still looking for you? Both of you."

Tony fiddles with his hands. He is annoyed.

"Why am I here Steve? I'm making a tracker for an unknown substance from a blood sample and Sam won't tell. You can tell me. But if it takes too long I'll find out for myself. FRIDAY?"

<< Yes mister Stark? >>

"Tony, please. We are just trying to find someone."

"You and your pet psychopath? What are you up to? Don't think I'm stupid grandpa." He pokes Steve in his chest with his finger. "I know what happened to your friend all those years, I've seen the evidence and the footage, but that doesn't take away the fact he killed my parents. I can't forgive him that easy. That needs some time."

Steve sympathizes with Tony. "I understand Tony. Just to let you know I'm always here for you if you need to talk to me or Bucky."

Tony doesn't say anything but Steve sees from his attitude that he appreciates his comment. Tony turns around and walks back to the lab to get back to work.

<< Do you still need my assistance Mister Stark? >>

"Not anymore, thanks FRIDAY"

Steve walks to the gym with a good feeling. When he enters the gym he sees Bucky, he is training.

"Hey Buck."

"Hey Steve."

"I just met Tony in the hallway."

He sees Bucky's face turn.

"Oh, everything okay?"

"Yes! We even had a short but good conversation."

"Oh okay, that sounds hopeful."

"He told me that he knows what you've been through those 70 years with HYDRA. But he still needs time to forgive everything."

Steve sees Bucky's attitude change. It was as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

"That.. That's progress.." Bucky continues his training.

"He also wanted to know exactly why he's here. I didn't tell him, but maybe it's an idea to tell Tony. Maybe he can help us better?"

"Yeah, maybe that's a good idea. I'll keep my distance. I don't want to cause any problems. You and Natasha can meet him."

Steve nods. He throws his bag in the corner and starts his training.


"Eureka!" exclaims Tony.

Shuri and Nakia look up. "Did it work?"

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