Chapter 23

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Natasha and Bucky are sitting in the waiting room. Every now and then doctors or nursery sprint past the door. Every time Bucky scoots to the edge of his chair for any news but unfortunately every time they pass them without any news. Bucky sighs deep every time, running his hands through his hair, and leans back into his chair.

Bucky kneels on the floor in front of Natasha and grabs her hands. He massages her knuckles and places soft tender kisses on them. "I'm sorry, Natalia..."

Despite his hard outer shell, he's just a big softy inside. "Why are you apologizing, James? You weren't yourself." She kisses his hands. "I have to admit, it was heartbreaking watching you leave. But I knew we could figure it out somehow. And you couldn't hide from me."

"I don't deserve you." He looks at her. Guilt and shame are eating him up from the inside. He knows he really hurt her. He didn't hold back when he hit her. Lilly really fucked with his head and he didn't recognize any of it.

"Oh, just stop now. Listen up." She looks at him sternly and doesn't want to hear him apologise for something that wasn't his fault. "Your behaviour and nightmares were Lilly's fault. If anyone is to blame, it's her. Not you, not Steve, nobody."

Bucky smiles and rests his head into her lap. She runs her fingers through his hair and massages his scalp. "Please stop worrying." She commands and lifts his head by his chin and looks at him.

"How are you feeling? Are you still in pain?" Bucky asks.

"I'm still a bit sore, but I'll survive. You know that. You where there when the doctors cleared me. Nothing broken, just some bruises." She smiles at Bucky. "James. I love you. I can't imagine my life without you. I think it hurt me a lot more when you left. But I know now that it wasn't your choice."

"You're too nice. I'm far from perfect. But still, you stand by my side after all the horrible things I did. I love you too doll." He leans forward and kisses her.

A doctor enters the room. Bucky turns and stands up. "I have good news and some less than good news." He folds his hands. "We were able to remove the bullet and so the bleeding. But he has lost a lot of blood and we have to wait and see if, and when Captain Rogers will regain consciousness. Because of the super soldier serum, we do not know for sure how long it will take. Time will tell." He opens the door behind him. "You can see him now."

Bucky helps Natasha up as she is holding onto her ribcage like it would somehow reduce the pain she is in right now. They enter the room and find Steve lying on the bed.

He's sleeping. It looks like a peaceful sleep, just like nothing has happened and it's just a nice nap. His broad shoulders peek above the covers. She made a joke about them to him a few days earlier about him looking like a Dorito. Steve didn't understand the reference until Sam explained it to him. He could laugh about it.

Natasha sits down on a chair standing next to the bed and tikes his hand. "Please wake up soon, Steve." she whispers. Bucky puts his hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"Do you want to rest your eyes?" He asks.

Natasha shakes her head. "I'm fine."

Bucky decides to lie down on the couch in the room.


A few hours have passed and Natasha fell asleep in the chair. Het legs are curled up and her head is resting against the headrest. Bucky is still lying on the couch with his hands behind his head. he's still wide awake and is staring at the ceiling.

Doctors have stopped by to take some data from Steve, but nothing he could understand. He was one of the best students in class, but that was a long time ago and these modern techniques are out of his league.

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