Chapter One

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"Emily!" Eva called, but i was too busy chatting on my phone to answer her.

"Emily!!" she called again, but i ignored her.

"EMILYYY!!!" she yelled.

"WHAT?!!!" I yelled back, irritated.

Eva approached my bed from across our room and joined me placing her head on my pillow. I sat straight and looked down at her.

"Okay, you look happy for some unknown reason, what is it?" I asked as I placed my phone on the desk beside my bed. She smiled sheepishly as she straightened her posture, so we were both siting crossing our legs on the bed facing each other.

"I...well...I...look don't get this wrong but I actually liked this guy for a while and-"

"Seriously, it's about this again!!" I interjected.

"Wait, no he's actually good looking, funny, handsome, and he actually asked me out!" she said


"Today, he came to me and said, 'hey you seem so nice and I would love to know you better, will you accept my invitation for dinner tonight?' then I got so excited and accepted his sweet gesture and...and he's picking me up at 7:30pm."

"Evaaa!!!! He totally sounds like a freak! Plus if a guy is really interested in you or in taking you out he should at least feel nervous and stutter."

"Ughhh!!! Why do you always do this!! YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE MY TWIN SISTER, AND YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO SUPPORT ME!! I can't believe I actually came to you to help me get ready! I'm calling Heather. At least she wouldn't be so mean and rude about it!" She yelled as she stomped out of the room.

Her words stabbed me straight in the heart but I was right! She'd always get asked out, and the guys either stood her up, made her pay for both of them, I MEAN FOR GOD'S SAKE WHO THE HELL TAKES A GIRL OUT AND GETS HER TO PAY, or it'd all turn out to be a dare.

Eva has a sweet heart and always assumes that people have good intentions. And when she gets back, she crawls in her bed under her covers and cry herself to sleep. And that just breaks my heart! I just can't handle seeing her in such situations.

It's 6:00pm now and Eva just went out to Heather's place so she could help her get ready. I sure as hell hope she won't come home this time crying.

I went downstairs wearing sweatpants and a comfy shirt, made myself a cup of hot chocolate, sat on the couch, pulled the covers over me, and started watching "The Notebook" this movie gets me every time! Plus Ryan Gosling is just handsome as hell!

I woke up to the sound of footsteps rushing upstairs. 'Eva' I thought as I jumped off the couch and rushed upstairs. I was about to open the door, when i realized she locked it.

"Eva, open the door!" I yelled as I knocked harshly on our bedroom door. She didn't reply, but I heard her crying and it made me furious!

"Eva!! Open the fucking door right now!! What the heck did this jerk do to you!! Eva please open the door, I promise I won't shout at you or tell you 'I told you so'. Please just open the door!" I pleaded as I kept on knocking!

I heard her footsteps get close as she unlocked the door. She was wearing a beautiful puffy blue dress that ended just below her knees, her hair was down, curled at the ends and even though her makeup was now ruined because of her crying, she still looked beutiful as ever.

I rushed to her as I pulled her into a tight hug. We stayed like this for about five minutes. My hands around her neck, as she huged me back, her arms around my waist.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked softly, wiping her tears. She shook her head as I held her hand and lead her to the bathroom. I washed her face, so it was now make up free and lead her back to our room where I gave her some comfortable clothes to wear.

"Well, it's still 10pm and I sure as hell won't go to bed early on a Friday night. What do you want to do?" I asked.

She looked at the ground then at me, "I want to sleep, please. You can just go continue whatever you were doing before I even got here." She said, crying again.

I felt so bad for her. I hugged her so tight and she hugged me back.

"No, if you want to sleep, then we sure as hell are going to bed!" I said as I lead her to her bed, and we slid down her covers still hugging each other.

After a few minutes of silence she asked, "Why are you doing this?"

"Because, you are my twin sister, and sisters are always there for each other right?" I stated smiling. She smiled back at me as I held her in my arms she let sleep take over.

Whovever that fucking jerk is, I'll make sure to make him regret the day he was born.

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