Chapter 17

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•-•Emily's POV•-•

"So I heard you kicked Rebecca's ass today?" Dorkie asked

I laughed, "Yeah, I slapped her, cause she was holding my hand so tight. Then she didn't let go, so I slapped her other cheek again," I said laughing again.

They both laughed. The rest of the ride was silent, Alec was tapping on his phone like his life depended on it, and Dorkie was simply, driving.

If that's how the first day has been, how will the rest of the year be like?! Oh joy! I told you my life was great.

Once we arrived home, I greeted dad and went to my room. A few minutes later, Eva came inside and sat on her bed, sighing. Why did we have to have our beds facing each other! Ughhh!

I turned around facing the wall behind my bed, giving my back to her, placed my earphones in my ears, and started solving my school work.

A few hours later, I only had a math problem left, and I was struggling to solve it. And ofcourse, me, being me, didn't want to ask Eva about it. I huffed and laid on my bed. I stared at our ceiling and smiled once I saw the glow in the dark stars.

When we first came to this house, Paris and Allen said we can decorate it the way we pleased. So I asked him if he had 'the stars that shine at night' and he smiled, and nodded. Allen, Eva and I spent the whole night hanging them on our room ceiling. And there would come a time when Allen would hold me, so I could hang one myself. Damn I miss those two.

I smiled at the memory, removed my earphones and sat straight. A knock interrupted my thoughts as dad came in.

"Hey dad," both Eva and I said at the same time. We looked at each other for a moment. She smiled, whereas I was biting the inside of my cheek not allowing the smile to show.

I looked back at dad as he said, "Well, how about some bonding time with your old man?" he asked, smilimg.

"Sure," we both said again. I smiled, but didn't dare look at her.

"Well, there's this ice cream shop I saw today, and I wanted to try it out. So I thought why not try it with my daughters?"

"Alec isn't coming?" I asked, curiously

"Nah, he isn't home, said he had some stuff do deal with." Dad said, smiling. "See you down in ten," he said, closing the door behind him.

Oookaay, what the hell would my beloved father be hiding.....


The three of us were now sitting on a round table, waiting for our orders to be done. I glanced at dad and saw him smiling at us.

"So, we have so much to catch up on! What happened throughout all these years?" he said, excited for some reason.

"Paris and Allen were so great with us dad, they made sure we had a great childhood," I said, smiling.

"I'm glad," he said, forcing a smile

"Dad, what happened after mum realized what you did?" I asked, this question has been on my mind since forver.

He scratched the back of his neck as Eva nodded eagerly, "Yeah, what happened?"

"The next day she woke up, she asked what happened cause she couldn't remember. She drank alot that night. I told her that she beat you guys up so bad, aside from the shouting and her screams of accusation towards you too. I told her that I had to do what was best so I put you in safe arms." He said, sighing

"She freaked out, and shouted at me. I let her take all her anger on me until a couple of days later, she stopped drinking that much, she apologized to me, it's like she came back to her senses or something. She felt so guilty for whatever it is she did to you two. She started having nightmares every night after you left. She regretted it and wanted you back. She begged me to get you back, but I told her ot was too late for that." he continued, a painful look in his eyes as he remembered.

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