The Beginning

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The sky was dark as thick smoke reached across the land. The screams and cries of people fleeing filled the air as more explosions went off. The young country's eyes widened at the sight of her land burning around her. Pain flooded through her as the loud sounds of the battle around her seemed to shatter her eardrums. She coughed as ash filled her lungs, blurring her eyesight as she crumpled to the ground. Suddenly, she heard someone walking towards her as she looked up bleakly. The figure grew closer before he stopped in front of her.

"Tigereon..." Came a soft whisper.

"Rainland." A gruff voice answered her as he grips onto her lower jaw tightly to hold her head up to look him in the eyes.

Rainland sucked in a sharp breath, as The Kingdom of Tigereon looked at her with an almost amused look. She looked as if she was trying to be brave, but her gaze held a silent plea.

"You're finally mine." He whispered, letting her go as she hung her head. He straightened, a soft smile appearing on his face.

"For as long as I have you, you will never show your face. No one. If you do, you will be killed. There will be no more Rainland. You will always... always... be mine."

Behind Rainland, a white flag was raised in the sky, billowing in the wind as it stood tall. Satisfied, the Tigereon attacker turned and walked off. Rainland felt tears splash down from her cheeks onto the ground before she fell to the side, curled on the cold hard ground.

* * *

Snowflakes swirled around the tall country standing there, looking over his land. He looked over his shoulder as he heard the crunching of footsteps behind him. A messenger was running up, looking panicked as he skidded to a halt in front of the country.

"Sir! There's- there's been an invasion on Rainland!" He panted.

The country's gaze hardened. "What?! Who attacked?"

The human looked uneasy before he gulped and replied. "The Kingdom of Tigereon."

The country fell silent, turning away from the messenger. After a few moments, he let out a scream of outrage.

"That weasel! He's officially lost it!" The Virlandese Empire's voice dropped to a mutter.

"W-What will we do sir?" The human asked awkwardly.

The Virlandese country paused before he said. "We do nothing for now, we have no chance against Tigereon." He looked up at the sky. "For now we prepare."

The human walked up to stand beside him, looking curious. "Prepare for what?"

"Prepare for Virland's rule."

- - -

Bit of a short thing to start off with,  just the beginning. In case you were wondering Virland is the Virlandese Empire's son.

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