A Step Forward

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Tigereon hurts his children again. Just a smol warning.

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10 Years Later

Hululanu shoved her hands in her pockets, walking through the halls. Her brown eyes narrowed as she quickened her pace. Suddenly, she heard a small thump. Hululanu whirled around, pulling the handgun from her back pocket and aiming it towards where she heard the noise. She saw the flash of cold blue eyes and her grip on the gun tightened. Silence fell around her, causing her to lower her gun to look around. Right as she did, she felt something slam into her back. Hululanu fell forward, her hand immediately raising to point the gun at her attacker. The stranger pressed her to the ground, their knee digging into her back. She twisted her head, trying to see who was there. She relaxed with an exasperated sigh, recognizing the familiar toothy grin.

"Get off me you hooligan." Hululanu chuckled.

Her brother's sharp teeth glinted as he stood up, offering her his hand. She took it and he pulled her up with an amused laugh.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack." Hululanu crossed her arms with a smile.

"Lemme try it on father." He joked with a wink.

"Oh yes." She said dramatically, starting to fall backwards.

Findonesli gripped her hand and yanked her back up. The two laughed, breaking off at a run down towards their room. Hululanu blinked, remembering something. She skidded to a stop, Findonesli doing so as well with a confused look.

"Findo... remember you know... the whole 'we need to get rid of Tigereon' thing?" Hululanu asked slowly.

Findonesli's face fell. "You know I can't..."

"You've been saying that for the past 10 years." Hululanu laughed dryly.

"I know but- he-" Findonesli stopped.

Hululanu shook her head. "This is how we can become our own countries. Free of Tigereon."

"I-I just can't-" Findonesli's voice shook as he lowered his head, glistening tears beginning to fall down his cheeks.

"Hey hey it's alright." Hululanu gently pulled him into a hug. "I'll do it for both of us."

Findonesli was silent, only leaning into his sister and returning the hug. Then, she pulled away with a nervous smile.

"I'll do it for us." At that, she turned and started away.

She could hear Findonesli following her, but stopped a bit away as she slowed to knock on Tigereon's door. An irritated 'come in' sounded a few minutes later. Hululanu glanced back at Findonesli, who looked scared as he pressed himself to opposite wall. She pushed open the door, seeing her father standing at a table with a bunch of papers scattered over the surface. He looked over at her, inhaling sharply before turning.

"South Tigereon." He greeted.

"...actually its Huluanu." She looked away, unable to meet his dark gaze.

"No it's going to change soon, seems more appropriate-" Tigereon said, his fingers tapping together.

"No." She interupted. "Me and my people want independence."

Tigereon was quiet before he slowly made his way over to her. He stood a few inches from Hululanu, his eyes unblinking. Hululanu's breath quickened as she fought the urge to back away.

"Findonesli too." She added, her voice fainter.

"It won't be as simple as just saying you want something." Tigereon crossed his arms.

"I'll-I'll fight you for it." Hululanu said quietly.

Tigereon suddenly snatched her by the arm and jerked her forward. Hululanu's jaw tightened as she stared in defiance and fear up at her father. Something glinted at the edges of her vision, causing her to glance over. Tigereon held a small knife in his free hand, raising it slowly. Hululanu's eyes widened then closed tightly, bracing for the impact. She felt the knife dig into her shoulder and slide through her skin downwards. Hululanu couldn't find the voice to shout or yell, only bite back the tears threatening to stream down her cheeks. She felt the same pain in the same spot, but slightly different. Tigereon then pushed her back towards the wall and she scrambled to stay on her feet. Hululanu opened her eyes to see an x-shaped scratch on her shoulder. It stung like fire and blood was beginning to trickle down her chest. She looked up and Tigereon glared at her.

"This means war, dear daughter. That x is a reminder that I'll always be there, behind you, waiting." At that, he shoved his way through the entrance.

Hululanu quickly ran after him, hearing a soft yelp from the hallway. She felt her heart pound, seeing Tigereon pressing Findonesli to the wall with the knife pressing down on his cheek. Findonesli's eyes were wide with terror, and Hululanu could see him shaking against Tigereon's grip. Tigereon slid the knife down his cheek, leaving a thin line behind the knife. Hululanu stiffened at the sight of her brother, but feeling her feet stuck in place. Tigereon ran the knife through the already bleeding mark again before working on the other line to make an x. Hululanu finally came to her senses, running forward and shoving her father away. Tigereon didn't let go of Findonesli, instead throwing the small male into the wall before turning to Hululanu. But then, she felt someone's presense behind her. Two glowing wings stretched out and a familiar country stepped in front of her. It was Virland. He had grown since they were kids, now standing almost as tall as Tigereon. His wings only made him appear taller, and even his wings had grown. They were a pale blue color, but gave off a golden glow at that moment, and Hululanu could feel the heat radiating from the feathers. Virland glared at Tigereon, but couldn't speak or do anything before Tigereon said.

"Careful which fights you interfere. Those wings would make a fine trophy." Tigereon's voice had grown quieter, more menacing.

Virland's feathers ruffled as he went on. "Stay out of this, or I will personally rip your wings from your back and stuff them."

Tigereon walked away at that, disappearing into his room. Virland had gone pale, the glow fading from his wings. The young countries remained still before Findonesli pushed himself to his feet and stumbled into Virland's arms. The two stayed there for a few moments, enjoying the comfort of the other. Despite the situation, Hululanu couldn't help but make an 'oooo' noise. Findonesli looked up, pulling away with a nervous laugh. Virland blushed, his wings flaring up slightly. Hululanu's smile faded as she shook her head.

"Virland you need to stay out of this." She said.

"But I can help!" Virland's voice sounded high pitched, which Hululanu had to stop herself from laughing at him.

"Even if you wanted to, how will you convince your dad to help us?" Hululanu looked doubtful.

"About that..." Virland said quietly. "He... he handed the country over to me."

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