Sure Of It

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Azurelan could only see darkness, but he knew exactly what he was doing. His heart beat against his chest as he thought about Starlin, or if he was even still alive. Azurelan felt like crying at the thought of it and he shook his head to stop himself.


Azurelan spoke in a hushed voice, shivering slightly at the rat tat tat tat that filled his ears. He kept his straight posture as he heard Tigereon shouting, Huluanu screaming, but there was no noise from Findonesli. Tigereon abruptly stopped, Azurelan hurrying forward when he heard Hululanu sobbing. He followed the sounds, stumbling over rocks and sticks scattered on the ground.

"Is he okay?" Azurelan called, unsure of how close he was to them.

Hululanu didn't answer, Azurelan assumed she was nodding or shaking her head. He felt his knee hit something and a quiet whimper of pain from something below him. He dropped down, reaching one hand out. He felt someone take it and lower it down. His hand brushed against someone's cheek, whom he was sure it was Findonesli. He pulled away, his thoughts racing as he tried to think of what to do.

"Where's Tigereon??" He asked.

"H... he left." Hululanu answered in a choked voice.

Azurelan had his vision back, he could see clearly. Starlin was standing in front of him, still as young as he was when Tigereon took him. Azurelan blinked before crying out happily to him. Starlin grinned, his wings fluttering. Azurelan smiled childishly, he always liked his wings and how fluffy they were. But that was the last thing he saw before pain struck through his face and everything went black.


Azurelan blinked, jerking himself from his thoughts.

"Hm?" He hummed distractedly.

"Could you..." Hululanu started, but trailed off at the feeling of a gust of wind that ruffled Azurelan's short hair around.

He felt himself being pushed back by something, hearing a small yelp from Hululanu. Azurelan shook his head in confusion. All the sounds around them had fallen quiet. A warm feeling swept over Azurelan, growing hotter with each moment. He then heard a familiar voice, pitched with fear and worry.

"What happened?!"

P.O.V. Switch

Hululanu couldn't find the voice to answer Virland. He had come out of nowhere and was quick to push anyone away to get to Findonesli. Speaking of which, Findonesli was mumbling something inaudible. Virland's wings had started glowing brightly followed by a soft warmth. Virland was holding him close with Findonesli's head against his chest.

"What happened??" Virland repeated.

Azurelan had this blank look on his face, blinking in their general direction rapidly. Hululanu swallowed and looked away.

"Tigereon tried to take him back. Azurelan helped stop him." Hululanu answered quietly.

Virland rose to his feet, picking Findonesli up in the process.

"Well he looks half dead." Virland's wings ruffled slightly.

"No duh Tigereon tried to choke him!" Hululanu grumbled.

"He did what?!" Virland shrieked.

"Chill out Findonesli actually fought back for once." Hululanu dismissed, trying to change the subject.

"Hululanu- '' Virland glared at her, but was interrupted by a small yelp from Findonesli.

Hululanu fell silent, looking confused as she stared at her brother. Findonesli was completely still again, as if nothing had happened. Hululanu made a face as Virland walked away, but sighed and followed him.

"This is why I need to help you-" Virland started, but Hululanu interrupted him.

"This isn't your war to fight. You're just some nosy friend we keep around, and you sound like you don't believe we can do this." Hululanu scoffed.

Virland's irritated expression faltered. "Sorry I just..."

"I know, you care about him." Hululanu pointed to the Findonesian boy in his arms.

Virland was quiet, his grip on Findonesli tightening. Hululanu tilted her head, the flower in her hair gently brushing against her face. Hululanu shook her head.

"When this is all over, nothing bad will ever happen again." Hululanu promised, her voice quiet but growing firmer.

Virland looked at her with a broken look. "How do you know that?"

"I don't." She faltered slightly before resting her hand on his shoulder. "I can only hope."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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