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Hululanu and Findonesli hadn't gotten that much sleep after that, even if they did manage to doze off, their sleep would be filled with nightmares. Findonesli sighed, his head still reeling and his hands still shaky. He didn't know what to think of any of this anymore, how did Virland's father care for him? Eh it doesn't matter, Tigereon was different, Findonesli knew that. He didn't even know if Tigereon even wanted to have Findonesli and Hululanu. Findonesli had never known his mother, or if he even had one. He stood up, making his way away from the curled up form of his sister. He stopped at a window overlooking the Kingdom of Tigereon's land. He had half of it, Hululanu having the other half. Even if they were their own countries, they still were in Tigereon's hold. He stared out over the landscape, pushing the window open. Suddenly, a small red squirrel scampered up to the window, surprising him. He blinked before realizing it was just Ruby. The red squirrel was his national animal, so of course he had befriended one.

"Hey." He said quietly, reaching out his hand for her to sniff at.

She lightly pressed her nose to his hand, Findonesli responding by stroking her head gently. Then, he heard a loud slam, causing Ruby to run off and him to jump in fear. He spun around, seeing Tigereon at the door. Hululanu had sat up, her eyes wide. They stayed there in silence for a few heartbeats before Tigereon jerked the chain he was holding. Starlin stumbled in from behind him, a thick chain around his neck. The chained country let out a choked gasp and fell onto his knees. Tigereon glanced at Starlin before looking back up at Hululanu and Findonesli.

"This pitiful country here is having a hard time seeing his future." Tigereon explained. "Seeing as you three are close, maybe he'll listen to you. You will tell him he will always be here, forever a part of the Kingdom of Tigereon. There is no hope."

There was a small whimper that sounded from Starlin, Findonesli feeling his chest tighten at the sight of him. Tigereon stared expectantly at him and Hululanu, Findonesli eventually walking slowly towards Starlin. He swallowed, glancing back at the window and seeing Ruby perched there, watching him. Findonesli turned his gaze back to Starlin and cleared his throat.

"S-Starlin... y-you-" He broke off as Tigereon abruptly grabbed his arm.

"You sound like a cowering child." Tigereon hissed between his teeth. "Sound like you mean it."

Findonesli flinched as Tigereon let go, shoving him backwards slightly. He was a cowering child though, he was only 5.

"I..." He started, before trailing off and trying his best to push away the fear gnawing at his heart. "Starlin... you will always be here... you will forever be a part of the Kingdom... of Tigereon..."

His father nodded approvingly, letting Findonesli step back away from his suffering friend. When Hululanu and Findonesli visited Starlin, he would always talk about someday he'll be free again. He always gave the twins hope and he always looked so confident. But now? The glimmer of hope that once shone in his eyes faded away, being replaced by fear and sadness. Seeing him like this, it was just awful. Hululanu slowly walked over to Starlin, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. She looked at Tigereon, who looked back with a cold glare.

She shuddered and said. "You will always be a part of the Kingdom of Tigereon... there is no hope..."

At that, Tigereon turned and walked out, dragging Stralin behind back to his cell. Hululanu hung her head, Findonesli quickly made his way over to her and rested his hand on her shoulder. She shook him off, which made him a bit shocked, and spun around to face him.

"We need to do something." She stomped her foot.

"What do you mean...?" Findonesli asked cautiously.

"We need to take Tigereon down and save Starlin!" She said, her eyes suddenly shining.

"What?! We're only kids!" Findonesli yelped.

"Yeah but if we don't do it soon Starlin might die!" Hululanu protested.

"But... but..." Findonesli trailed off. "Can we please just... wait...?"

Hululanu fell silent, staring at her brother's pleading expression before muttering. "Fine."

* * *

Findonesli walked alongside Hululanu as they made their way out of Tigereon's territory. Their father had allowed them to visit Virland, but if they didn't come back by a certain time... well, Tigereon didn't specify what he would do but they didn't really want to find out. Slowly, the land around them shifted into the familiar snow filled forests of Virland's continent. Speaking of which, they heard the Virlandese Empire's voice up ahead, sounding exasperated. When Hululanu and Findonesli moved into a small clearing, they saw Virland up in a tree and his father yelling at him to get down. Findonesli giggled, Virland looking over and grinning happily. He swooped down, landing in front of Findonesli and wrapping his arms around him in a hug. Findonesli's cheeks warmed happily as he embraced him back.

"Children, are you okay?" The Virlandese Empire asked gruffly, walking over to them.

Findonesli pulled away from Virland, though the other kept one wing rested against him, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Has Tigereon done anything?" Virlandese Empire narrowed his eyes.

Findonesli fell silent, leaning into Virland with a suddenly sad expression. Hululanu looked away, her arms crossed.

"He hurt Starlin." She muttered bitterly, casting a cold stare at Findonesli.

He gulped, knowing full well she wasn't going to let the idea of rebelling escape his thoughts that easily.

"How?" Virlandese Empire questioned curtly.

Findonesli glanced at Virland's wings, one of which still curled gently around him. That glance was enough for the Virlandese Empire to know what happened. The older country bent down and picked up a feather that had come loose from Virland's wings, gripping it tightly before letting it go.

"What happened dad?" Virland looked confused.

The Virlandese Empire stared at his son for a moment before saying softly. "Tigereon cut off his wings."

"What?!" Virland squeaked, sounding horrified.

Virlandese Empire looked from Hululanu to Findonesli silently, eventually sighing and muttering.

"Only time will tell of your fates."

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