Close Your Eyes

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Hululanu studied the map in front of her, tapping her chin thoughtfully.

"I'll... worry about this later." She held her hands up in defeat at the map before turning and walking towards where Findonesli was resting.

She creaked open the door curiously, her eyes resting on Findonesli and Virland. She smiled, closing the door. This is why she was at war, to help her dorky brother. Okay. Maybe that wasn't the only reason, but still. She jumped, hearing an explosion outside. I can't catch a break. She threw open the door to the room.

"Okay, moment over!" Hululanu yelled, making Findonesli and Virland jump.

"What-" Virland started, but was cut off at another explosion.

Hululanu wheezed slightly, spitting out blood that pooled in her mouth. Findonesli blinked at her with wide, concerned eyes. She shook her head, images of houses burning on her land clear in her mind. Virland's wings spread as he murmured a few words to Findonesli before exiting the fort. Hululanu knew he was leaving, he had to. If Tigereon saw him it could pull the Virlandese people into the war and Virland wasn't ready for that just yet.

"Stay here." She said firmly to her brother, not giving him a chance to speak before she hurried out.

Hululanu blinked to clear her vision, Tigereon wasn't there. This was an aerial attack, but he would be in one of those planes, she was sure of it. Commands and shouts were heard above the crashes. She spat out more of the crimson liquid trickling down her chin and turned to run back to Findonesli. A loud bang seemed to shatter her ears as she skidded to a stop. Time slowed as something small whisked past her face. She whirled around just in time to see Tigereon fire at her again. She scrambled to move away, the bullet grazing her shoulder. Hululanu slammed into the ground as she dove, rolling a few feet away from where she once was. Hululanu pushed herself up, flinching down as more planes flew over her head. She turned her head, seeing soldiers firing helplessly at the planes before taking cover. Smoke rose up from the burning houses, wanting to spit out more blood but unable to move. Hululanu finally was able to run, heading for her suffering people while Tigereon watched her coldly.

* * *

Findonesli heard slow, echoing footsteps coming towards him. At first his heart lifted when he thought it was Huluanu, but they were too heavy to be hers. His heart rate sped up as he looked around frantically before scrambling through a window. He dropped onto the grass quietly, swallowing a cry at the sight of the wreckage in front of him. Hululanu was lying on the ground as planes receded back and the roar of their engines quieted. Findonesli ran towards her, stumbling to the ground as he shook her. She sat up abruptly with a wheeze, surprising Findonesli into scrambling back. After a few moments he moved towards her to hug her. Hululanu sucked in a breath before hugging him back. They sat there for a second, Findonesli holding onto his sister. He drifted off into his own thoughts before he heard a small click. Findonesli looked up, seeing Tigereon standing there.

"Come here son." He said quietly, his black eyes narrowing.

Findonesli tightened his grip on Hululanu, which made Tigereon growl a warning.

"Come. Here." Tigereon repeated, before slowly drifting the gun down to point at Hululanu.

Findonesli stiffened, slowly releasing Hululanu. She grabbed his hand but he pulled away as he stood up. Tigereon beckoned towards him, Findonesli's legs moving before he had any time to think. Tigereon reached out and set his hand on Findonesli's shoulder. Findonesli looked up at him, Tigereon lowering the gun with a calm look. Findonesli dared to glance back at Hululanu. She was glaring at Tigereon, blood trickling from her mouth and tears beginning to drip down her cheeks. Findonesli felt a knot form in his throat as he mouthed 'I'm sorry'. Findonesli quickly curled back his lip and bit down onto Tigereon's hand. Tigereon yelled in surprise, using his free hand to grab onto Findonesli's neck. Findonesli bit down harder when he felt Tigereon's hand start to squeeze his neck. Findonesli blinked rapidly, feeling light headed and dizzy as he let go. Tigereon kept a grip on him, Findonesli starting to wheeze and choke. Hululanu screamed out his name but it sounded far away. He tried to breathe but he couldn't. Maybe if he closed his eyes it would all go away...

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