Excuse me??

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Footsteps pounded the ground as strange figures ran through the woods. The one leading was breathing heavily, his heart beating as he ran towards the border. A wide grin appeared on his face as he spotted the familiar barbed wire marking the edges of the Tigereon ruled land. He felt fury bubble up inside him. That land belongs to us! Not them! The Findonesians have a right to that land and their own freedom without the Tigereons breathing down their necks. He ran faster, diving into the barbed wire and beginning to fight his way through it. A few gunshots could be heard nearby but he kept trying to struggle through the wire. The sharp needles shoved their way into his skin as he pulled himself out. He scrambled to his feet, beginning to run again. I'm free! I'm- The big smile disappeared as another gunshot rang in his ears. Time seemed to slow as blood splattered the ground and a thump could be heard. By the time he hit the ground, he was already dead. His eyes still had the bright, hopeful glimmer that slowly began to fade.

* * *

Explosions sounded from outside as a man looked out from his window. He turned his head to gaze at his family. His wife was holding his two kids close, whispering encouraging words to them. He couldn't help but smile as he walked over and couched beside them.

"Come on. They're coming, they won't want to spend too much time searching houses." He said, gently picking up his youngest.

His son buried his face in his shoulder, quietly sobbing. He sighed and led the way out of the house. He immediately stepped back as he reached outside, seeing the chaos before him. Planes were flying above, occasionally dropping bombs on the cities below. Soldiers fought their way into Tigereon occupied land as the planes busied the Tigereons, a familiar red and orange badge with their flag on it on their arm. Another badge was below it, a black flag with a tiger on it. The Rebels flag. He took his wife's hand and ran as planes flew overhead, close to the ground. One rebel soldier ran over, his blue eyes wide. The man had known of these Rebels' mission before they even came, he had been alerted that the soldiers would try to help people escape. The soldier took his son from him and started running back towards the border. The man pulled his wife and daughter behind him, following the soldier. There was an open space in the barbed wire where it had been cut, giving them an opening to Hululanu.

"Get down!" The soldier suddenly hissed, dropping down onto the ground and dragging the little boy next to him with him.

The family bent down, cowering from the tat tat tat tat tat that sounded dangerously close. The soldier gave no warning when he jerked the son up and pushed him through the barbed wire opening. The man followed with the rest of his family, embracing his son and urging them to cover before turning to the soldier.

"Thank you." He breathed.

The soldier saluted him, but his face suddenly went pale. He collapsed onto his knees before hitting the ground with a thud. The man gasped in horror before looking up and seeing a different soldier behind them with a gun pointed at him. This soldier had a different flag, black with a large orange stripe through the middle. He cried out and started running deeper into Hululanian territory. The soldier followed, shouting something to the man. The family was nearby, hidden behind a bunch of hedges. Time seemed to slow as a gunshot went off and the man fell, blood pooling from his leg. The Tigereon soldier stood over him, the gun hovering over him. The man gasped in pain, his teeth gritted before his head flopped to the side in defeat. The soldier looked around with a scoff before lowering his gun and retreating back. The man's family ran out, calling out his name. He wheezed a reply, his hands shaking. The wife ran off, crying out for help before she returned with a soldier-like man. The only difference was that this man was a medic. Shouts and screams could be heard throughout the land as the Hululanian soldiers retreated as reinforcements came to aid the Tigereons. Not just Tigereons, but the people of Starlin and the Hillaysians. Some of the drafted soldiers from the other Tigereon occupied countries managed to flee but others couldn't leave the families that would be left for the Tigereons to deal with. Either you do or you die.

* * *

"It wasn't enough."

Virland looked up from where he was sitting.

"I know."

Hululanu paced, fumbling with her hands.

"We need to keep pushing forward."

"Give them time to recover Hululanu-"

Her gaze snapped over to him. "We don't have that time! My brother could be dead or suffering!"

Virland's feathers fluffed out miserably before smoothing down again. "Have you been in contact with the countries bordering Starlin?"

"No... they don't want to get themselves involved with a war for independence. And besides, I have to win this." Hululanu glanced away.

"You need to look at where Tigereon is going wrong and do it right." Virland stood up and made his way over to her.

She studied him and he gently set his hand on her shoulder. The one with the x-shaped scar.

"He's so sure he's going to win, he's so sure you won't be free." Virland said.

"He's too confident." Hululanu muttered thoughtfully. "But how do I counter that?"

"He won't put that much effort into something he thinks he's sure to win." Virland continued.

"Oh." Now Hululanu just felt dumb.

"And what would he think will forever be in his grasp?" Virland makes a motion with his hands, as if he was talking to a child.

Hululanu knew that answer, but she squinted at him with an exaggerated. "No I don't, please tell."




"He thinks Findonesli will always be his."

Virland's wings fluttered excitedly. "Exactly!"

"Okayyy... but how do I use that?"


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