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"Seriously?? That's great!" Findonesli blinked.

"No it's not." Virland said miserably. "What if I mess it up? What if I do worse than dad?"

"You won't." Hululanu grinned at him. "And you'll do even better than your dad!"

"Yeah!" Findonesli put a hand on his shoulder. "Just do what you think is best."

Virland stared at him for a moment before smiling. "Okay."

"But you need to-" Suddenly, Hululanu cut off as she and Virland vanished.

Findonesli stumbled, startled. "Hello...?"

There were footsteps approaching as Tigereon's figure came into view. Findonesli's jaw tightened as he dared to speak.

"What did you do..." Findonesli swallowed.

"They've simply been pushed out to the south." Tigereon answered.

Hululanu's land. Findonesli turned his head slightly to gaze out of a nearby window.

"And you..." Findonesli turned back to him. "Are still mine."

Tigereon gripped his son's arm and jerked him forward. Findonesli stumbled, trying to yank his arm free. Tigereon just started walking off, dragged Findonesli after him. Findonesli's feet skidded on the ground as he tried to stop Tigereon from taking him away. His father responded by whipping around to grip Findonesli's face with his hand and tilting it up to look him in the eye.

"If you don't want anything to jeopardize your chances of being a country at all, you will come with me willingly." He warned. "You should be grateful I haven't killed you yet, anyone with a son like you should be ashamed."

Findonesli shrank back, but allowed himself to be dragged. Would he really kill me if I didn't do as he says? Findonesli looked around. Is this- Findonesli didn't get to finish his thought before Tigereon jerked him forward again but let go this time. Findonesli staggered a few paces ahead of him, scrambling to turn to keep his gaze on Tigereon. Tigereon had moved a little bit away, opening an empty cell. Findonesli spotted Starlin in the cell across the hall, staring with wide eyes. Findonesli gritted his teeth, stepping back before he turned and ran. He heard Tigereon yell behind him, followed by a high pitched whistle. Findonesli didn't know where he was running to, maybe he could go to Hululanu. Findonesli almost stopped running as he heard a loud roar. Something hit him in the back, causing him to be launched forward. He hit the ground with a thump, his elbows grazing the ground. He shook his head, trying to clear it. He felt pressure on his chest as he was pushed against the floor. He blinked, looking up at the gaping jaws of Tigereon's manticore. He almost choked, trembling as he tried to scramble away. The manticore held him down as Tigereon walked up. Suddenly, there was an ear splitting explosion in his ear. He screamed out as pain shot through his arm, jerking around desperately. He felt the large creature above him press its claws against his skin. Findonesli fell limp, quietly sobbing at the agony still sparking in his arm. The manticore got off him, making room for Tigereon to pull Findonesli to his feet. Findonesli dared to meet his gaze.

"Your people will die." He threatened. "Some already have."

Findonesli was confused for a moment before Tigereon grabbed his injured arm and held it up for Findonesli to see. There were two cracks, one near his elbow and another further up his arm. They hurt like fire, and Tigereon only made it worse by prodding it slightly. Findonesli winced, staying silent as Tigereon dragged him away again. This time Findonesli didn't attempt to escape as Tigereon shoved him into the cell. The door slammed shut behind him as he fell forward and slammed into the wall. Tigereon didn't stick around afterwards, just leaving and disappearing around the corner. Findonesli gripped his hurt arm, walking up to the bars. Starlin gazed at him from his cell, his expression sad. The other looked like a mess, the blood from when he lost his wings still splattering his back.

"What happened...?" Starlin asked.

"Hululanu's fighting for her freedom." Findonesli murmured. "But I'm still here"

"Oh..." Starlin shakily smiled at him. "She did say she would."

Findonesli didn't respond, instead sitting down and staring down with glazed eyes.

* * *

"We need to go back!!" Hululanu yelled furiously, slamming her fist down. "We can't leave him!"

"We aren't leaving him! We can't go back either! If you leave your territory, it's at risk of being attacked." Virland argued, his wings flaring out nervously.

Hululanu opened and closed her mouth, as she was going to say something but decided against it. Virland's wings fell to his side with a defeated sigh.

"With any hope the Findonesians will escape to your land." Virland said quietly.

He was trying to sound confident, but his heart ached and there was a tremble in his voice. Hululanu looked at him in desperation.

"I don't want him to stay there any longer than you want him to." Virland's voice cracked. "His fate is in Tigereon's hands."

"But he could kill him! At any moment!" Hululanu felt her chest tighten at the thought.

"I know!" Virland's voice rose as tears started sliding down his cheeks.

Hululanu fell silent, startled. Virland's hands trembled as he stared at her, his wings fluttering. Hululanu blinked before she looked down guiltily at her feet.

"Findonesli is in danger." Virland went on quietly. "And there's nothing I- we- can do."

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