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Hey hey hey quick thing this chapter does include some abuse from Tigereon towards his children. If you don't like that please leave. Also, Tigereon does curse once.

5 Years Later

Hululanu shifted around in her bed, unable to sleep that night. She turned on her side, blinking at the sleeping form of her twin brother. She sat up, grinning as she ran over and jumped onto his bed. Her actions were rewarded with a sleepy grumble as Findonesli yawned and sat up.

"Hululanu... it's the middle of the night..." He rubbed his eyes.

"Exactly, so father won't be up. We can go visit Starlin." She bounced up and down eagerly.

Findonesli frowned. "But what if he catches us?!" The little country bit his lower lip.

"You worry too much. C'mon!" She bounced more violently for emphasis.

"Fine fine!" He pouted. "But if we get in trouble I'm blaming you."

Hululanu jumped up, already running out of their room before Findonesli could even get up from bed. She ran down the hallway towards the dungeons, which were strangely close to their room. Hululanu ducked around the corner, hearing her brother call for her to slow down. She eventually did... when she reached the cells. Some were empty, some weren't, she never really paid attention to it. One was particularly interesting to her, seeing that the country inside had a set of beautiful feathered wings. His flag was different shades of teal and his pupils each had a star in them. He was older than Hululanu and Findonesli, but still very young. That was probably why Tigereon targeted him.

"Hey." Starlin smiled, his wings tucked tightly at his side.

Hululanu put her hands on the bars surrounding the encaged country. "Hi!"

Starlin stood up from where he had been sitting. "Why aren't you asleep? It's midnight."

"I could ask you the same thing." She pointed out.

Starlin looked uneasy before he responded. "Tigereon's been threatening me... a lot."

Findonesli's smile faded into a sad frown. "What?"

"Yeah... yah know. About how, I'll always be stuck here and so on..." Starlin's wings ruffled nervously.

Hululanu and Findonesli shared a sympathetic glance, Findonesli reaching an arm through the bars to gently smooth out his feathers. Hululanu stomped her foot as she said.

"One day I'll fight him and then I can help you! We can defeat him!" Hululanu announced.

"What?! Fight him? You're crazy!" Findonesli yelped.

"Someday we will have too! He's a bad-" Hululanu didn't get to finish her sentence before a hand grabbed onto Findonesli's head and slammed him into the ground.

Tears streamed down Findonesli's cheeks as he screamed out in pain. Blood trickled from his nose, his eyesight blurry and his head throbbing in pain. He hard a distant voice, cold and furious.

"You wanna finish that sentence you sorry little bitch?!"

Findonesli's breath quickened as he squeezed his eyes shut. He heard more disoriented voices followed by a grunt of irritation. Suddenly, he felt something sharp pierce his wrist, but it wasn't just one thing. It felt like a thorn vine being forced into his skin. He screamed out in pain again before everything went black.

* * *

Findonesli's eyes fluttered open, blinking away the blurriness still remaining in his vision. When he could see again, he was able to make out Hululanu's face staring at him. She squealed happily when she saw he was awake, jumping to stand up. Findonesli sat up, seeing two other countries on one side of his bed. He recognized Virland and his father, the Virlandese Empire. Virland's blue tinted wings opened as he grinned at Findonesli.

"Findo! You're awake!" He bounced up and down.

His father glanced at Virland, clearly disapproving of his childish behavior before he looked back to Findonesli.

"You alright?" He asked.

Findonesli started to nod, but the small movement sent throbs of pain through his head. He let out a small cry, clenching his teeth afterwards. Suddenly, he felt warmth surround him followed by a soft golden glow. Virland had wrapped his wings around him with a concerned and scared look on his face. Findo leaned into the soft feathers, shuddering a little as he recalled what had happened. Hululanu stared uneasily at the door, fiddling with the flower in her hair. Findonesli suddenly jerked away from Virland with a gasp as he realized what may soon happen.

"What will happen to Starlin??" He asked.

The Virlandese Empire blinked. "Who?"

Hululanu spoke up before Findonesli could. "He's one of father's prisoners, we were talking to Starlin before..." She fell quiet.

Findonesli worriedly looked from Virland to the Virlandese Empire. "Will he be okay? Father won't do anything to him will he??"

Virland opened his mouth to speak, but his dad held up his hand to stop him. Virland shrunk back slightly, looking confused. The Virlandese Empire inhaled, then said.

"Knowing your... 'father'... I wouldn't put it past him."

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