Winged Dread

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There is a description of wings being ripped off, so prepare for that. Btw, Hululanu and Findonesli are 5 years old while Virland is 6.


Findonesli woke to screaming, shrill screaming that jolted him from his dreamless sleep. He looked up in fear, the darkness of his room seeming to loom around him. He saw Hululanu's orange eyes flash in the darkness as she quickly jumped out of bed to hug onto Findonesli. The siblings huddled together on Findo's bed as the screaming muffled for a moment before it continued. They heard a loud crash and an eerie crunch, hearing it again shortly after. Findonesli shook, his grip on Hululanu tightening as they heard a rustle and the cries were once again muffled. Suddenly, Hululanu let out a soft sob and she buried her face into Findonesli's chest. He pulled her closer, shakily baring his fangs at the door in an action to protect her from whatever what out there. Things quieted down finally, the screams lessening to quiet cries and whimpers. Hululanu slowly pulled away from him just enough to look towards the entrance, the two keeping a hold of each other before they crept out of their room. Hululanu slowed to stay behind Findonesli, his sharp teeth still showing to hopefully scare off anyone. He slowly followed the sounds and eventually they found themselves in the prison. They stopped, Findonesli staring in horror as he saw a pool of blood creeping from one of the cells. Hululanu let out a cry and ran forward, Findonesli racing after her. Hululanu skidded to a halt and pressed herself to the bars, looking at the scene in front of her.

"Starlin..." She whispered.

Starlin was leaning against the wall, on his knees. There was a rag tied around his mouth and his hands were tied behind his back. Blood gushed from two stumps on his shoulder blades from where his wings used to be, the shattered bone sticking out at awkward angles from both stumps. He looked so small as he shook like a leaf in a hurricane. He was sobbing quietly, pressing himself to the wall. Hululanu started pushing at the bars, squeezing her way in between them. She rushed over, quickly untying the rag around his mouth.

"What happened?" Hululanu's voice was barely audible as Findonesli gripped the bars with his hands tightly.

"He... he came a-and..." Starlin's voice sounded weak, faint and wavering. "...a-and he tied me down... then he..." Starlin trailed off, shuddering violently at the memory.

Findonesli's gaze slowly drifted over to Hululanu, who had looked up to meet his gaze. They shared a look of horror, as if they shared the same thought.

"Tigereon..." Findonesli swallowed, taking his hands off the bars.

Hululanu turned back to Starlin, starting to talk to him quietly. Findonesli backed away slowly before turning to walk away. He walked down the hall, Starlin's soft crying fading as he approached a large wooden door on the second floor. From inside, he heard soft snarling and a shaky rattling noise. Findonesli clenched his fists, trying to seem like the bravest 5-year old ever. He held his breath... and knocked.

"Come in." A voice answered immediately.

Findonesli gripped the handle and turned it, pushing open the door. Standing before him was none other than the Kingdom of Tigereon, Findonesli and Hululanu's father. Behind Tigereon, was a beast rarely seen in the light. It's teeth dripped with saliva and blood, it's scorpion tail rattled as it's glowing yellow eyes narrowed. Two bat-like wings spread from its shoulders, making it appear larger than it actually was. Findonesli almost choked, his hands shaking.

"Findonesli... what brings you here." Tigereon spoke, his onyx black eyes seeming to bore into his soul as he spoke again harshly. "Shouldn't you be in bed?"

Tigereon's manticore growled threateningly as Findonesli responded, his voice sounding squeaky and small. "I-I have a question."

Tigereon sighed heavily, sitting up straighter. "Curiosity killed the cat."

"U-Uhm... yeah about..." Findonesli flinched, slowly looking up to meet his gaze. "...Starlin's w... wings."

Before a second had gone by, a gunshot was fired. It pierced through Findonesli's eardrums, so loud that when he flinched he almost fell over. He was unscathed, but when he saw Tigereon pointing the gun at what seemed was Findonesli's head, he looked over his shoulder. He saw the hole in the wall from where the gun had actually shot, centimeters away from his head. He exhaled the breath that he didn't even know he held, looking back at his father in fear.

"Get out!" Tigereon yelled, the manticore behind him letting out a roar.

Findonesli staggered back before spinning around and running. He heard another roar behind him, blinking back tears of fear. Heavy pawsteps sounded behind him and as he turned around, his heart stopped. The manticore was chasing him, it's jaws wide and gaping. Findonesli hurried down the stairs to the cellars, stumbling over to Starlin's cell. Hululanu was still with him, but she had somehow managed to find bandages.

"Hululanu we need to go!" Findonesli screamed, his eyes wide with fear.

Hululanu and Starlin jumped, startled by Findonesli's sudden appearance.

"What why-" Hululanu looked confused before another roar could be heard, closer.

Huluanu gave Starlin a quick look of shock before squeezing through the bars to follow Findonesli back to their room. The pawsteps stopped, but the siblings kept running until they reached their room. Findonesli shut the door behind them, collapsing onto the floor. He shook, still shocked at what had happened. Hululanu blinked helplessly at him, staring at the door in silence.

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