Oh Hey

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Findonesli opened his eyes with a small cry, he was lying in a forest. He was dripping wet and he started gasping for air as he regained consciousness. He sat up, coughing out saltwater and trying to clear his stinging eyes. His throat hurt and he felt weak as he stood up. Findonesli didn't know where he was, or what happened, but he started walking. He spotted a dead soldier lying half way in a bush and he quickened his pace. He put his hand on a tree, blinking at the bright light that reached from the other side of the forest. Findonesli's vision cleared as he saw a large hill leading up to a fort. He spotted a young female crouched beside something lying on the ground. She was talking to the thing on the ground that Findonesli couldn't see. Whatever was lying on the ground sat up, blinking at her. It looked past the girl and rested it's gaze on Findonesli. It immediately scrambled to it's feet and Findonesli could see two wings on each shoulder spread wide. One was bloodied and hanging down at an awkward angle, but it didn't seem to bother it as Findonesli could make out it's face.

"Virland-" He rasped, but wheezed as he spat out a trickle of water remaining in his mouth.

Virland ran towards him, calling out his name. Findonesli couldn't believe it as he stepped towards him before collapsing forward. He felt Virland catch him, his uninjured wing wrapping around him. He buried his face in Virland's chest, sobbing quietly and Virland hugging him close.

* * *

Virland felt tears spring to his eyes, the aching pain in his wing forgotten as he held onto Findonesli. The small country shook as he leaned into Virland's hold. He heard footsteps running up and turned his head to see Hululanu hurrying up. Findonesli pulled away slightly so he could see her, breaking away from Virland to hug his sister as soon as he saw her there. Virland studied Findonesli, pity stabbing through his heart as he saw the cracks scattered across his body. He looked thin and weak, falling limp in Hululanu's arms.

"Findonesli?... Findonesli??" Hululanu yelped, shaking her brother.

Virland beckoned up to the fort, running up the hill with Hululanu trailing behind with Findonesli. They reached the inside, setting him down on Hululanu's bed. He coughed, curling up as Virland sat beside him. His eyes fluttered open and Virland grasped his hand gently.

"Are you okay?? What happened??" Hululanu nervously fumbled with her hands.

"A-After you left T-Tigereon imprisoned me..." Findonesli's voice shook as he sat up to hug onto Virland's arm. "He started k-killing my people... I was hungry and..." He broke off with a sob.

"It's okay... you're okay now..." Virland said quietly, pulling him closer.

"Findonesli... will you help me now?" Huluanu looked away.

Findonesli looked at her with confusion before it gave way to horrified realization.

"No! No, I can't do it!" He jerked around, his eyes wide with terror.

Virland and Hululanu exchanged concerned glances. "Well, your people are safe in my land." She assured him gently.

Findonesli did not respond, he was weakly clinging onto Virland. It took Hululanu a moment to realize he had slipped into unconsciousness. Virland laid him back down, hesitating before standing up.

"I can't do this without him." Hululanu murmured.

"I know, just let him rest. He's got a lot on his mind." Virland pointed out quietly, walking past her to the main part of the fort.

Hululanu shook her head and followed him.

* * *

Findonesli woke with a start, his body trembling as he looked around with a wide eyed look.

"Where am I... Hululanu?! Virland?!" He started panicking, his voice rising.

"Shhh it's okay." A soft glow came from a lantern a familiar figure was holding.

Findonesli whimpered, leaning into Virland as the other walked closer to pull him into a hug. Virland crawled onto the bed next to him.

"Hululanu's supposedly sleeping, are you alright?" Virland asked quietly.

Findonesli couldn't find the words to answer, Virland's feathered wings wrapping around him with his injured wing held at an angle. A faint glow followed by comforting warmth came from the feathers as Findonesli reached out to the bandages wrapped around the wounded wing, his hand brushing against it. Findonesli saw Virland wince and he pulled his hand away.

"I'm sorry..." Findonesli mumbled quietly.

"It's not your fault." Virland said quickly.

Virland rubbed Findonesli's arm reassuringly, Findonesli letting out a sigh. Findonesli closed his eyes, shuddering slightly before letting sleep take him.

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