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Findonesli was floating in darkness. He felt numb, turning his head to look around.

"Hello?..." He called, his voice echoing.

No response.

Findonesli felt himself abruptly start to fall as he cried out in shock, though no sound came out. The world around him changed as he plummeted into what he thought was water. He could taste the salt on his tongue as his mouth was slightly parted. He couldn't move, he just sank. There was a long trail of blood coming from what he realized was a wing sprouting from his shoulder. He had another wing too, on his other side.

Am... am I Virland? He wondered, unable to speak as he was then swallowed back into the darkness. He snapped open his eyes to see himself differently once again, holding down a pitiful country. He panicked, trying to pull away to let the country up to breathe. He couldn't though, he had no control. He just felt anger and frustration. He recognized the struggling country's flag, it was his. He will never escape. He can't! He's the last thing I have of Rainland! Those were not his own thoughts. Before he could comprehend what was happening, when the darkness came back and seized him. He saw bars of a prison when he opened his eyes again, he felt weak and his legs trembled as he watched a figure climb through the window of the cell across from him. Stay safe my friend. Those weren't his thoughts! He felt frustration build up inside him as once again the dark void claimed him. This time he didn't feel like anyone else, he felt like himself.

"Stop it! Stop it please!" He begged.

No answer.

"Let me go back..." He trailed off, seeing a bright flash of light.

He blinked, holding his hands in front of his face as he was able to make out a strange figure walking towards him. Her flag was white with stripes of green going down the middle. She wore an expression of sadness as she made her way towards him.

"Who are you...?" Findonesli narrowed his eyes.

She didn't answer. He flinched as she reached him, but she simply walked through him. He shook his head, creeped out as he scrambled to turn around to watch her. She crouched beside two young kids, barely 1 years old.

"Mom's going to go away for a while... alright...?" She spoke, her voice gentle and kind.

"Can't you stay?" One child, the boy, asked.

"No... your dad won't let me."

Findonesli realized with a jolt that the boy was him. It was him and Hululanu.

"Why not?" Little Hululanu looked up at her.

Was that his mother? Why doesn't he remember this?

"You'll have fun with him. He'll keep you safe." Their 'mother' said, standing up.

She turned away, hesitating before glancing back at them. "Goodbye children."

"Wait mom!" Little Findonesli reached for her, but was held back by someone behind him.

Tigereon picked up Findonesli and Hululanu, staring through narrowed eyes at the mother. She stumbled back, starting off at a run to get away from him.

"Say goodbye to Rainland kids."

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