Cheater!Luffy × F!Reader | Lies pt. 2

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Some angst.


The first few months away from the crew were literal hell.

You would wake up in the middle of the night, thinking that it was all a bad dream, and in your half-asleep state you would start searching for Luffy, calling out his name just to be greeted by pure silence.

You had forgotten what it felt like to sleep alone, without the warmth of your lover hugging you.

You didn't remember it being so cold at night.

In the morning you would wake up, run into your kitchen convinced that there would be a delicious breakfast waiting for you.

Whenever you read one of your books, you felt the need to talk about the plot with someone, but had no one to talk to.

You kept going on like that for quite some time, until you could have no more.

Marching through the streets of your town you held your head high.

You would finally prove to yourself and everyone else that you didn't need a man to go on, you were strong and independent and the world would remember your name.

Well... Maybe the world already knew your name too well.

After all, you used to be a part of the straw hat crew, which technically made you a wanted criminal.

In the end you were able to run fast enough to make the marines loose your traces.

Maybe the world wasn't ready for you, not yet.

Instead, you decided to find another way of proving yourself.

Since life as a normal citizen would be too hard to achieve without being chased by marines, you opted for the thing that you knew how to do best.

That would be, being a pirate.

And that brings us to the moment where you found out that pirates don't usually let people in so easily.

Of course, Luffy just proved that he's an idiot without even being there, that was something.

The next best option was to create your own pirate crew, which let me tell you, wasn't an easy task.

You mentally prepared a note on how many members your crew should have in order to be considered one, and you decided that 9 would be a great number to begin with, and the fact that it was one member more than the Straw hat crew was just a coincidence... totally...

Within two months you were able to gather all the members you needed.

You had an amazing young woman as the cook, a dancer and a musician, an old mad as the expert in navigation, the best blacksmith of the whole town, a nurse and a young doctor, accompanied by their two older brothers, which were really good at fencing.

All seemed to go well, until you were tracked down by the marines.

You soon learned at your own expenses that when you create a crew from nothing, and you sail for and unknown reason, without an actual destination, without even training to fight together is never a good idea.

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