Luffy x Child!Reader's OC Sakura Part 4 |

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Spoilers from the Whole Cake Island Arc.

Mentions of fights, hunger, etcetera.

I'm so sorry, I'm taking so long to publish, but school and other personal things are taking up the majority of my time and now I also have to study for the Entrance Exams for the Uni I want to get in, so yeah. It's a lot of work lol. Anyways, You're not here to listen... well.. read about me complaining about stuff, you want to read an ff and that's what I'll give you! Hope you enjoy.

 read about me complaining about stuff, you want to read an ff and that's what I'll give you! Hope you enjoy

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Still nothing...

He'll be here any second.

No one was there.

I'm sure he's already searching for us.

And yet he wasn't there.

I have faith in him.

Their lives were about to end.

He's coming. I just know it.


As the captain lay unconscious on the ground, the young girl started to regain her consciousness.

Her head was spinning too much and she felt like puking, she was so weak that even though she wanted to sit up and help the captain, her limbs simply refused to follow her orders.

"I hope Luffy was right and that guy is looking for us..."

"The situation is bad... I don't think we'll be able to survive out here if he can't find us."

As much as she wanted to scream and find help, she knew she needed to save up what remained of her energy for the future, that is if they even had one.

At this point, she doubted they would be making it out alive, but she didn't want to doubt Luffy's words, even if she had always been the type to look at things in a rational way.

Her eyes became heavier with each passing second and she felt too tired to keep them open. Luffy was still sleeping and if she were to fall asleep nobody would be able to react if an enemy were to attack.

But did it really matter now? She couldn't even stand up properly, her captain was too hungry to fight, they were as vulnerable as a newborn kitty.

There was no way she would be able to help anyway, at least if she slept for a little she would hopefully get a little bit of strength back.

"Just a few minutes."

She repeated in her head as her vision became blurry...

She later woke up by someone shaking her violently.

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