Luffy x F!Reader | Who are you? Pt. 5 [Good Ending]

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Word count 2383
Request? Yes

This contains a small lemon, it's really vanilla but i still put a little warning at the beginning and end so you can skip it if it makes you uncomfortable.

For this request i wanted to try something a little bit different, adding Luffy's pov at some point in the story.

Please let me know if you liked it and would like to see more of it or if i should just keep writing in a second person pov.

{Your comments help me understand what you like and dislike so to anyone reding this, if you'd like to comment please do.}


"Look at this pendulum.

Follow it's movements, concentrate on the light that reflects on it's surface as it sways from left to right."

You accurately followed Jango's orders, your eyes never leaving the pendulum.

For all you knew this was your only chance to get your precious memories back and you weren't about to add more risks to something that already was uncertain.

"Now, i'm goind to count to three and i'll snap my fingers.

Once you hear that sound i want you to fall asleep."


Your eyes became heavy.


Your head felt like it was underwater.


Jango snapped his fingers and your eyes finally closed.

You looked around, but all you could see was darkness.

'Where am i?'

You asked to now one in particular.

'(Y/n) can you hear me?'

You turned around, expecting to see Jango, but the only thing you could see was a deep sea of black.

Nothing felt real anymore, and you were starting to freak out.
You begun walking around, then running.

But you didn't feel anything.

You tried pinching your arm, to make sure that it wasn't a dream.

It didn't hurt, but you could feel that spot getting warm.

'If we did this right you should now be inside of your mind.'

You nodded, though you doubted he could see you.

'I want you to think of a door, just any door will do. It's where it will lead you that counts.

You need to think intensely about your lost memory, you have to really desire it if you want it to work.'

A big red door appeared in the middle of that empty realm.

You walked around it.
It seemingly led to nowhere.

You skeptically touched it, feeling the rough texture of the old wood underneath your fingers.

Unlike anything else in that place, this door felt real.

You put your hand on the doorknob and squeezed it tightly, closing your eyes.

Your mind filled with the new memories of your friends, especially of the rubber boy.

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