Luffy x Gn!Reader | Can we cuddle?

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So, I found this in my drafts and decided to post it, since I wanted to tell you all something, but felt like posting an A/N with no story would have been boring and nobody would have read it.

I wanted to let you all know that I'm taking a long time to write the requests because of school and the exams/tests we have to do. 

This coming week will be super full of tests and other stressing things but I'm trying to do my  best, so I hope you'll forgive my absence and be patient. 

Thank you all for the support and love you're giving to this book and I hope I'll be able to write more in the future ^^

The next thing I'll post will be the last 2 chapters of the small series dedicated to Sakura (a reader's OC) and a lemon with Mihawk, so if you're interested in that make sure you stay tuned.
I also have some other requests I'll start working on once I'm done with those.


Can you guess what's the best thing to do after you just won an extremely tiring fight?

Laying in bed with your lover, a big tray of homemade biscuits in the middle of the bed, a warm fluffy blanket covering you both while you share your thoughts on random stuff that comes to your mind.

There's nothing that can make Luffy happier than combining his two favorite things in the world, you and the food you make.

You might not have been an amazing chef like Sanji, but there was something in the way you prepared your food that made it feel like home to him.

And now here he was, his left arm circling your waist while he used his left hand to stuff his mouth with those delicious biscuits you made just for him.

You were happily eating your sweet treat while massaging his scalp with your fingertips.

He went crazy for scalp massages, especially after eating, since he always got sleepy.

You two were the best couple out there, and you were the luckiest of all people, between all pirates you had found the cutest one.

Just being there with him filled your heart with joy.

He started laughing and brushing his nose on your neck, it was his weird way of thanking you, it had started one day when he randomly decided it would be a fun way to express how happy he was, and now it had become a habit.

You obviously didn't mind at all, if it made him happy it made you happy as well.

His hug was getting tighter, not in an uncomfortable way, but you knew this boy needed his daily dose of attention, so you kissed his cheek and pressed your forehead to his, smiling at him.

He simply chuckled and cupped your face between his hands, planting kisses everywhere, only when he was done he stopped to place one final kiss on your lips.

"(Y/nnnnn), I'm tired. Can you stay here with me? I always make good dreams when I/you hold you/me in my/your arms."

You smiled at his cuteness and squeezed him in another hug.

"Of course, I'll stay. Go brush your teeth, I'll wait for you here."

"Thanks, I'll be back in five minutes!"

When he came back he entered the room to find you already sleeping on his bed.

He sheepishly smiled and carefully climbed on the bad as to not wake you up.

His hand slowly reached for yours and he was glad your hand squeezed his in return.

"Not exactly what I had in mind but still good enough."

He moved closer to you and pushed the covers over you both, making sure you were all tucked in and not feeling cold.

Once he was satisfied with his work he relaxed and fell right asleep.

OnePiece X Reader Oneshots And Headcanons [Requests are CLOSED TEMPORARILY]Where stories live. Discover now