Brook × F!Reader | Panties

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Request? No

Word count 518

I have no idea of what this is, but please let me know if you liked it and if you have any request you would like to make don't hesitate to let me know.
(You can request it here or send me a message if you want your request to stay anonymous to other readers.)

Enjoy this.. thing lol


What was now a weird tradition between you and Brook had started as a simple joke.

"Can you guess what color are my panties?"

"Yohohohoho, if i could blush i would be as red as a tomato, dear (Y/n)."

You chuckled.
"Aw come on and give it a try, maybe if can guess right i'll let you take a look."

"I must admit that your offer is temping me."

He stroked his imaginary beard, if he had eyes you were pretty sure they would be tightly closed in thought.

"Could i get a clue?"

"Hm, yeah. I said what color."

"What kind of clue is that?"

"If you know you know."

Then it clicked.

"Ohh, so it's neither white nor black."

"Good job!"
You smiled and gave him finger guns.

"Yohohoho, i knew that listening to you would come in handy one day."

You gripped his necktie and made him bend down to reach your face.

"You have until midnight to guess right."

That day, unfortunately for him, he failed.

But that didn't mean he would easily give up.

Every morning he would ask for a second round, and each day you wore a different color just to make it more challenging.

Brook was so used to failing that when you had finally announced his triumph he had already started walking away in defeat.

"Hey, Brook. Weren't you listening?"

He turned around in confusion.

"I said that you won."

His jaw fell to the ground from how loud he screamed, the whole crew gathered around him, ready to fight whatever had caused their friend to shout like that.

"(Y/n) chwan, what happened? Is my beautiful rose all right?"

You nervously laughed, not exactly knowing how to explain this kind of situation, but of course, Brook had an idea to save you both.

"Sorry, i saw a huge spider, but now he ran away."

Now it was Sanji's turn to shout, the poor blonde guy was terrified of spiders.

"Don't worry Sanji, i'll get rid of him in a second. Brook come with me, i think it went that way."

You took Brook's skeletal hand and ran away from them.

Once all of the other Straw Hats had gone on with their own things you could sneak into your room to give Brook his price, after all his attempts he had deserved it.

You closed the door behind you, telling Brook to seat on your bed while you mentally prepared yourself for what was about to happen.

"I never thought the day i would get to see a beautiful girl's panties by her own will would come. Yohohoho."

"By her own will..? What do you mean-.. you know what? Nevermind, i'm not even gonna question it."

Today was a really lucky day for Brook, since you were wearing a skirt, making the whole "flashing Brook" thingy easy.

You turned around, stood on your tiptoes to boost up your figure and lifted your skirt.

Last thing you knew, Brook fell on the ground muttering incoherent thoughts and claiming that now he could finally die in peace.

The end. <3

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