Usopp x F! Reader | Cuddles

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Word count 1101
Request? Yes
None, just fluff.


You woke up in the middle of the night, feeling a sharp pain in your lower stomach.

"Oh God, please no."

You looked down at your white sheets, your heart was already racing and just as you had feared, there was a gigantic red stain covering your bed, right where you had been sitting.

You sighed in defeat, taking some matches from your drawer and lighting up a candle to see better.

The flickering flame illuminated just a small part of your room, but it wad enough for you to see what was inside your drawer.

You took some clean clothes and a tampon/pad, heading straight for the bathroom.

You decided that maybe taking a warm bath would help you ease the pain... but did it work?

Of course not, mr. Period decided that tonight was not your night.

You got out of the bath and took a black towel, hoping that maybe the stains wouldn't ruin it too much.

After putting on some clean clothes and throwing the towel in a bucket full of water and soap you headed back to your room to take your dirty sheets.

You ran in complete darkness until you hit something, or rather, someone.

You fell back on your butt and the shadowy figure stumbled backwards.
After steadying himself it offered it's hand.

"Is everything okay? What were you doing running around in the dark, you should be sleeping right now."

You smiled at the sound of the familiar voice and reached out to take his hand.

Now that you were standing closer to him you could see some of his features being illuminated by the moonlight.

His nose, his cheekbones, his eyes.

You smiled and apologised for running into him like that.

"I would tell you.. but it's embarassing."

He looked down to see what you had in your hands, some clean sheets and wet towels.

"Ohhh, i understand. Wait, aren't girls supposed to track it down or something?"

You blushed at his words, you had no idea of how he knew it, but you were still impressed and pleasantly surprised.
However, you really couldn't understand why was he giving you girls lessons in the corridor, where everyone could hear.

"Yeah.. usually i do, but it just came earlier than expected and i wasn't prepared."
You rubbed your arm in embarrassment.

"Oh, sorry. Making you uncomfortable was never my intention, you see one time, after i defeated a whole ship of angry pirates, as a thanks i received a book from an old lady, and it turned out it was a story about adolescence through a girl's point of view.
It was really interesting and
....okay maybe it's not the right time."

He stopped his tale after hearing your voice, your arms where wrapped around your tummy.

"Wait a minute, i read something about it in that book, i think i know what you need... just wait for me in your room. I'll come back soon."

He ran away.

You made your way to your room, this time just walking, you wouldn't makr the same error twice.

You changed the bed sheets and to your surprise you discovered that your mattress didn't get dirty.

You went back to the bathroom to put the dirty blankets on the chest for dirty clothes.

The cramps were getting stronger, making every step you took incredibly hard.

You came back just in time to see Usopp standing in the doorway with a basket on his hands.

"I read that these things can help.. here drink this... oh and put this on your belly, i read it helps with the cramps."

He brought you some hot chocolate and a heating bag wrapped in a towel.

"Thanks Usopp, you're the best."

You gave him a grateful smile to which he smiled back.

"Is there anything else you would like me to do?."

You pondered the idea for a moment.
He had been so sweet, you didn't want to take advantage of his good nature.

But maybe he wouldn't mind.

"Could you.. stay here with me and cuddle? It's okay if it's too weird and you don't want to."

He smiled and jumped in bed with you, taking a fluffy blanket out of the basket and wrapping it around you both.

"Is this okay?"

He sheepishly looked at you, wanting to make sure that he wasn't making you uncomfortable.

You answered by happily snuggling in his arms.

He reluctantly put his arm around you, at first very lightly, so that you could push him away easily if you wanted, but when you let out a content cuckle hr hugged you closer.

You smiled ad he ran his hand up and doen your back, tracing random shapes with his fingers to help you relax.

His other hand held yours, with his thumb massaging your knuckles.

"Hey Usopp?"

He looked down at you and hummed.

"Could you tell me a story?"

He smiled widely and happily did as he was told.

"Once upon a time... there was a beautiful princess.

She was the most beautiful girl anyone had ever seen, her big (e/c) eyes shined like diamonds.

Her laugh was so contagious that it was impossible not to join her.

One day a guy found this beautiful princess, and he immediately fell for her, but he was only a normal guy.

He feared that he would never be good enough for her, so he swore to himself that he would do anything he could to be of help."

Your breathing became slower and regular, giving Usopp the hint he needed to know that you finally fell asleep.

"You didn't even hear the rest of the story.. i was about to tell you who that princess was. But i guess it can wait."

He smiled and looked at you.
His heart immediately melted at the adorable scene.
Your face looked so cute and calm while you slept in his arms, your lips were slightly curved upwards in a small smile.

"You're adorable."

He silently moved away to make more room for you, he lowered you on your pillow and pushed up the sheets to cover you.

Watching you slumber so peacefully made him feel sleepy too, and before he knew it he found himself in the dream realm.

His arms instinctively wrapped around your form, pulling you closer to him in an almost protective jesture.

That night you had the best sleep you've had in a while, no nightmares or waking uo in the middle of the night, just good dreams.

'Maybe we should do this more often.'
You thought.

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