Luffy × Neko!Reader

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Request? Yes.
Word count: 2263


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It really helps this book and me ^^


*Sniff sniff*

Is this...?


Oh my lord thank you, thank you THANK YOU!.

But.. i need to be careful, i'm still hurt and i don't think i have enough energy left.
I don't even have the strength to fight or to simply run away.

What would i do if they caught me?

I can't let it happen.

Not again.

You jumped from building to building until you reached the source of the good smell, just in time i would add, because your legs finally gave up.

You hid behind some boxes on a random ship and before you knew it, you passed out.


When you opened your eyes the first thing you saw was the beautiful night sky.

Millions of stars that looked like little dots of paint on a black and blue canvas lightly illuminated your surroundings.

The gentle breeze of the night caressed your skin and tickled the fur on your ears.

You heard some loud sounds coming from behind you and you saw that you were on some kind of boat.

People laughing, shouting and singing.

Was this..

A pirate ship?

Were you in danger?

You got up from your hiding spot, your stomach loudly grumbled and you were afraid that in your condition you would easily get caught.

I need to eat something.

You looked around and realized that the situation you got yourself into was even worse than you thought.

Not only were you trapped on a pirate ship, but said ship was also moving. You were surrounded by the sea, and there was no visible land.

Who knows how long it will take to touch land again, you would have to live here and be sneaky.

Nobody knows what would happen if they saw you.

I need to find a better hiding spot for the night, once they're all sleeping i'll take some food and hide again.

If only it was that easy.

Sanji spent most of the nights awake to prevent Luffy from eating all their food supplies, but you didn't know that.

Everyone, or so you thought, got out and went to their room, so you slowly  opened the door.

"Luffy i already told you, no snacks after dinner, get out before i kick your bu-.... who are you?"

Sanji reluctantly got into a fighting stance, he hated fighting ladies, because all he actually did was avoid every hit and wait for the opponent to get tired.

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