Jealous Robin x F! Reader Headcanons

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This chapter will contain smut, if you're not into that don't worry, I have put a warning before the smut headcanons begin so you know when to stop reading ^^

Also, the smut part is not that detailed, so if you're reading this and you want more don't hesitate to tell me. anyway, enjoy^^


If you'd like to request anything you can write a comment with your idea, prompt, et cetera, or if you'd prefer, you can send me a private message with your request. 

Remember to specify the gender of the reader, otherwise, I'll just make it gender-neutral.


* Robin isn't the type of woman who would throw a scene in front of everyone. And she isn't the type to get jealous easily either.

* She loves and respects you and, most importantly, she trusts you with he whole life.

* So if she ever gets jealous, you can bet it's not your fault but someone else'

* You were going out on a little date, in one of those rare days in which nothing particularly weird and chaotic happens, and while Robin was going to the cashier to pay for your drinks, a random dude went up to you and tried to flirt.

* This wasn't a new thing for you, and Robin was used to seeing these poor guys trying to desperately catch your attention, and since you're one hell of a fighter she wasn't worried about you not being able to defend yourself.

* But this guy here was persistent.

* He kept talking and getting closer to you, and what pissed Robin off even more was that you weren't doing anything to stop him.

* She didn't even know from where she got the strength to stay calm and not run to that guy and kill him.

* But the moment she really lost it was when he touched your leg.

* How the heck dare he touch you!?!?!?

* Who gave him the permission to lay his filthy hands on you?!

* That was it, she was done being calm and relaxed, that guy had to pay, and he was going to pay right now. However before she could even move from her spot, you had already pushed the guy off you and were now heading to your girlfriend.

*She'll never tell you she was jealous, even if you could already tell how angry she was by the way she was acting. She wasn't angry at you, please don't ever think that, but now her day had been ruined and she was in need of something to do to get her mind distracted

* Eventually, with enough hugs and cute words and I love you's from you, she'll be back to normal.

* Be prepared, because she'll get more possessive, nothing too extreme, in fact, you would probably enjoy it.

* Where did your arm go? Oh right, now it belongs to Robin and she'll never let it go. Get comfortable because you'll be staying like that for a very long time.

* I feel like she would spend the rest of the morning glaring at anyone who dared even look at you. 

* You should probably take her to the Sunny, for now, she'll protest but eventually do as she's told. 

* Once you're back home, just ask Sanji to prepare you two your favorite drinks and then lay on the deck and talk about something else. Just being with you will make her feel better, I promise.

* Whatever you decide to do, be it drawing together, reading books, maybe writing a journal together, she'll easily relax and go back to her normal self...

* But maybe you had something different in mind.

* Be aware, if you go any further you'll get into the smut part of this

* If for any reason you want to see how jealous she can get you would have to actively flirt with someone.

* The best option would probably be Zoro since he's the only one who's not going to die from blood loss, think that it's a joke, or be awkward and run away. 

* I feel like at first, he wouldn't even notice what you're trying to do, he's used to physical contact and since you're friends and he knows you're with Robin he'll just shake it off. However, if you keep going he'll start wondering what's going on, and upon seeing Robin looking at him with a face that screams "touch her, and I'll destroy you" he'll understand.

* He's slow but not an idiot.

* "I get what you're trying to do but I don't want anything to do with your little plan. Don't wanna get murdered by a crewmate"

* He would leave you alone to face a disappointed Robin.

* "What was it?" "Uhm. my way of making you jealous? Hehe" "You're an idiot."

* She'll see your sad face and decide to give in to your fantasies just this one time.

* "Seems like someone has been a naughty girl hmm?"

* Now you can't go back, you asked for it and she'll take this seriously.

* If you're into rough sex, spanking, heck even bondage, she'll do it if it makes you happy.

* Remember her devil fruit's power? Of course you do, and after this you'll never forget it. 

* She'll make you feel so good that you won't be able to get up for an entire day.

* I think she would use her power to keep you still while she plays with your intimate parts, she would tease you and blow cold air on you, barely touch you while running her fingers up and down on your legs.

* However, when she feels like you can't take it anymore, that's when the real fun begins. 

* She'd move her fingers inside of you in an experienced way, making sure to hit that special spot that made you go crazy. 

* Don't forget about her pleasure though, after you were the one to make her jealous in the first place, now you should take responsibility and make her feel as good as she made you feel. 

* I'm sure you'll have fun while doing so.


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