Cheater!Luffy × F!Reader | Lies pt. 3

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Some angst.



It's the first time in two years that you see your friends again and they greet you by attacking your ship...


This is the chance you were waiting for, if your crewmates could stand up to your old mates that could only mean one thing:

They were ready to fight even the most notorious crews.

Or... maybe not.
The straw hat crew was too much for your friends, but the fact that they weren't going to surrender was admirable.

"Guys stop!"

Everyone froze in place and stared at you.

Your crew was really confused, but soon realized what was the matter.

They had been so concentrated on fighting that they hadn't even recognized your old pals.

"Soo... is nobody going to come and give me a hug?"

You said jokingly, even if a hug didn't sound that bad.

The first ones to come back to reality were Chopper and Usopp.

They ran and tackled you to the ground.

You hugged them back with just as much force

"(Y/nnnn) we missed you so much"

You smiled hearing Chopper's sad voice.

"I missed you too, you guys have no idea"

"(Y-y/n)... you're here"

Oh no, no no no.

You recognised that voice.

You quickly got up and straightened your clothes.

"Yes, Luffy."

The awkward silence that followed seemed to have a strong effect on everyone, as they all began to silently walk away.

Wouldn't want to be trapped between an ex-lovers quarrel.

Zoro was the last one to leave, shouting a quick "You got it (Y/n)."

You took a deep breath, crossed your arms and looked at Luffy.

"Hey... It's.. It's been a while, isn't it?"

For the first time Luffy felt so small and helpless.

"Yeah, and whose fault do you think it is?"

Luffy suddenly found the wooden floor of your ship incredibly interesting, so he decided to stare at it instead of keeping eye contact with you.


He looked back at you.

"Was i not enough?"

"I.. i know that what i did is unforgivable, and i know that no excuse will fix what i did, but please.. let me at least tell you this.."

You bit your lip, staring into his eyes.
He seemed so broken, so empty...

Maybe you could let him talk, just to show him how mature and composed you are compared to him.

"Thank you... uhm

After you left i kept asking myself why..
Would you believe me if i told you that i still don't know why i started doing that? I loved you, and if i have to be completely honest, i still have feelings for you.

I can't believe i was so selfish, i let myself be swooned by Nami's words...


I shouldn't throw all the blame on her, we are both guilty.

Her for convincing me and me for agreeing."

You saw the way he slowly started breaking down, how his eyes got glossy, his breathing became irregular.

"I was an idiot, and you probably want to punch me for that.. a-and if you want to i'll let you.

But you have no idea how much my life changed since we broke up, i don't know if this will make you angrier or happier, but since then i could not bring myself to stay with Nami, i felt awful.

The relationship i had with her didn't even last one week.. i think that loosing her best friend finally made her open her eyes...

And it made me realize how much what i did wasn't worth it.

I threw away the only person i truly loved and who could really understand me just for a temporary source of pleasure.

Since the moment you rightfully left me there hasn't been a single day in which i haven't regretted what i had done.

I know that asking you to get back together would be too much, but at least give me a chance to become friends again, please.

Then you'll be the one to choose what you want to do with me, if you want me to go or stay.

I know that without you i'll never be able to reach my dream.. our dream."

At this point you were at loss of words.

One one side, you wanted to kick his ass so bad.. but on the other side, you still felt some kind of weird connection with Luffy.

"One week"


"I give you one week to convince me to stay with you, but if you fail, you'll never see me again."

One week... it was such a short period of time, could he really do it?

Was it really worth it?
But then again, if he just gave up he would gain the same result as if he tried and failed, at this point the most logical choice would be to try and risk it all.

The pize he would win if he achieved his goal would be another chance with you, and this time he would never fall into the same error. He had sworn on his name and honour.

"I promise I'll do my best."

You shook hands, officially starting the challenge.


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