Chapter 2: A Problem Named Akaza

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Right after we had solved the train/Enmu problem, we were met with another one. A problem named Akaza. His eyes had the words "Upper Moon Three" engraved on them, meaning he was gonna be a very formidable foe. For a demon, he didn't actually look that bad. In fact, he actually looked somewhat attractive, but he's still a demon. First he started acting like an advertisement and asking me to be a demon. Obviously I declined, so we began to fight. Yet I could tell, for some reason, this wussy going easy on me.

There were so many openings in which I thought he would strike me, but he didn't. I don't know why he was going easy on me, but as the fight progressed and I was getting more wounds, he started asking me to be a demon again. He looked like he was having fun at first, but every time he made me bleed, he frowned and started looking at me with worry in his eyes. His questions started getting more intense and he seemed almost desperate to make me a demon.

Finally, I stopped fighting. I had gotten tired from the blood I was losing. Akaza froze as well and he went wide eyed. He had punched me in the gut and so I definitely felt a broken bone in there. He took a step forward and covered his mouth.

Akaza: "Oh god.. I punched you too hard didn't I? Oh god.."

He jogged towards me and I backed away.

Rengoku: "What are you doing? I'm not being a demon."

Akaza: "I-I know.. I just..."

I coughed out blood. My balance gave out and I stumbled forward. I could hear Tanjiro way behind me, yelling.


I went wide eyed and looked up to see Akaza right in front of me. He swiftly got down on his knees and caught me, setting me down softly on the ground. I was so confused.

Rengoku: "Why..? Why are you being nice to me? First you're going easy on me during the fight, then you start worrying over me, then this."

Akaza: "I...I don't know. There's just... something about you that I just... I'm so sorry for punching you in the gut. I didn't mean to do it that hard."

I looked at him like he was crazy. I literally just tried to kill him a bunch of times and he's being nice to me. I barely had the strength left to slice his head off, so I just laid there confused. He was crouched down next to me, which made me a little uncomfortable. I tried to move away, but the pain in my chest was throbbing and my head was still bleeding.

Rengoku: "A-ah..ow...shit.."

Akaza started to panic some more. He looked over at Tanjiro.

Rengoku: "I- don't you dare attack him-"


Tanjiro: "I uh.. IT'S TANJIRO KAMADO?"


Tanjiro and Inosuke looked at each other. They were just as confused as I was, but ran over nonetheless. Akaza backed away so they could aid me.

Tanjiro: "O-okay just hold on Rengoku, we'll wrap your head up real quick."

Tanjiro took some bandages out of his pocket and sat me up. He wrapped my head. Inosuke watched Akaza carefully, to make sure this wasn't a trap. I don't really know myself if it was a trap or not either.

Akaza's POV:

I watched from afar as Tanjiro and the Boar aided Rengoku. Why the hell did I punch him that hard? Why am I having these thoughts? What is happening to me? I frowned at the ground and shook my head. I put my hand on my forehead. I was sent here to turn the Hashira into a Demon. He declined. We fought. I was supposed to kill him. Why didn't I finish him off? I mean, sure he's really hot, very powerful and just my type, but I can't be with a human. Muzan would never allow it.

Tanjiro sat Rengoku's head up onto his lap and started to wrap the bandages around his head. Why did my stomach churn every time I looked at the spot where I punched Rengoku? I didn't think I could feel this guilty about hurting someone. Why was I feeling worried? On top of that, why did my heart ache when Tanjiro put Rengoku's head on his lap? I almost wanted to tear him apart because of it.

I noticed the Boar was watching me, probably making sure I wouldn't attack them. The me I know would attack them, but for some reason I wasn't feeling myself at the moment. I sat there and watched Tanjiro bandage Rengoku and helped him sit up. Rengoku looked at me and I lit up a bit.

Rengoku: "Tanjiro, Inosuke. I want you to go back to the train please."

Inosuke: "But he could attack you!"

Rengoku: "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Go find Nezuko and Zenitsu."

Tanjiro: "But Rengoku-"

Rengoku: "Now. Please."

Tanjiro and Inosuke looked at one another and slowly backed away. They went back to the train. Rengoku stared at me for a long time. I could feel my face start to heat up. It's just the two of us now.

Rengoku: "What do you want?"

Akaza: "I.."

He had a point. What did I want? I thought about it for a few seconds. I wanted to kill them and bring Tanjiro's head back to Muzan, but at the same time, I wanted to stay with Rengoku, demon or not. There was something about this Hashira that I just wanted to keep alive. Who do I choose? Muzan or Rengoku?

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