Chapter 7: Sakura Mochi

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Akaza's POV:

I walked over to Kokushibo, who was for some reason, reading a book.

Akaza: "Whatcha reading?"

Kokushibo: "A book about war."

Akaza: "Cool, cool. Listen, I'm gonna be gone for a while, there's a certain town I wanna go to hunt for food. So if Douma asks, tell him that."

Kokushibo: "Alright. Happy travels I guess."

I left the Infinity Castle and made my way to Kamakura. I was most likely gonna arrive before Kyojuro, but that's okay. I walked through a rice field under the starry night sky. I looked up to appreciate its beauty.

Akaza: "Kyojuro, here I come."


Mitsuri: "Come on Kyojuro! You told him you'd be there in a week and the week is almost over. It'll take us at least half a day to get there. Hurry up slowpoke!"

Rengoku's POV:

Kyojuro: "One second! I'm getting the box!"

I jogged outside, wearing a medium sized light weight box. It looked like Tanjiro's box, but the wood was more of a birch color.

Kyojuro: "Alright. I'm all set to go.

I looked at her and she was carrying a bag on her back.

Kyojuro: "What's with the bag?"

Mitsuri: "Oh, it's filled with Money, Rice Balls, Sakura Mochi, and a little something for Akaza."

Kyojuro: "What's for Akaza?"

Mitsuri: "I have three bags of male human blood for him." :)

Kyojuro: "You what?"

Mitsuri: "Don't worry, I didn't kill a man for these. Remember I just got back from a short job last night after leaving 2 days ago? Well, I found a small doctor's office run by this nice woman on my way back. I asked her if I could get 3 bags of male blood and she gave me some, I paid her of course."

Kyojuro: "Didn't she ask you what they were for..?"

Mitsuri: "Nope!"

My face went ._.

Mitsuri: "Anyways, let's go! Onward to Kamakura!"

We left the headquarters right as the sun came up, which is usually difficult for me, but Mitsuri was so excited she kicked me out of my bed. We started the walk to Kamakura. Kamakura wasn't that far from where the headquarters were, but still far enough that it would take us until nighttime to get there, since we were both probably gonna take a few breaks every few hours. We're pretty lazy when we're heading somewhere that's not for work. Mitsuri skipped down the road.

Mitsuri: "So what does Akaza look like?"

Kyojuro: "You'll have to see for yourself."

Mitsuri pouted.

Mitsuri: "Then how will I be able to help you find him."

Kyojuro: "I'm pretty sure he's gonna be the one who finds us."

Mitsuri: "Damn it. Could you at least give me hints or something? You said he's hot."

Kyojuro: "Yeah, but even if he doesn't look like other demons, he's pretty easy to pick out of a crowd. Even if he doesn't find us first, you'll know him when you see him."

Mitsuri: "Won't he be wandering around Kamakura..?"

Kyojuro: "I have no idea."

Mitsuri: "He's probably gonna scare a few of the locals then?"

Kyojuro: "Well, back at the train when he helped us with the passengers, none of them seemed to be very intimidated by him, more or less just a bit weirded out. I actually, uh.."

Mitsuri: "What?"

Kyojuro: "We actually had to cover him up so the passengers wouldn't be intimidated by his physical appearance.

Mitsuri: "You said he didn't look like most demons."

Kyojuro: "He doesn't, but okay, I'll tell you one thing. He has a bunch of dark blue stripes all over his body. So yeah, he can still look intimidating to the average person so I gave him my robe to put on."

Mitsuri: "..Kinda gay Kyojuro."

I elbow her shoulder. She laughs.

Kyojuro: "Anyways, can I have a rice ball?"

Mitsuri: "Already? We just ate something back at HQ like an hour ago."

I look at her and she looks at me. There's silence for a few seconds. Then, she giggles.

Mitsuri: "I'm just kidding, I'm hungry too."

She pulls out 2 rice balls out of her bag and hands them to me. She pulls out 1 for herself and some sakura mochi. We continue walking for another hour, before taking a 15 minute break, then walking again. We take about 4 breaks before finally arriving in the town next to Kamakura. As expected, the sun has set, and we'll probably be in Kamakura within the next hour.


Akaza's POV:

As I run through the woods, I can smell a large amount of humans close by. Kamakura. I've made it. I stand on the outskirts of the city. Kyojuro told me to cover up, but since I'm so used to not wearing that much, I completely forgot. Damnit. I'd go back and take one of Muzan's jackets, but Kyojuro might be waiting for me. Guess I'll just have to try my best to stay out of sight.

I jump onto a roof and watch all the people walk around the town. There's food stands and everything. Then, I spot someone walking into an alleyway with what looks like an old blanket. I jump across the street of people onto another building. Just my luck, the person left a dusty black sheet in the trash. I jump down, grab it, wipe it off and drape it over myself, leaving me room to see my face. Dammit I need a hat or something, I can't have people see my eyes.

I walk towards the crowd of people and see a large black sun hat hanging on a hook. It probably belongs to someone but I need it more than them right now. I quickly grab it without anybody noticing and put it on over the sheet that's covering my hair. I run into another alleyway and walk out into the crowd. I keep my head down and try not to look suspicious, but a person with a black sheet and a sun hat on can't not look suspicious. I try to walk quickly through the crowd, taking in large whiffs to smell if Kyojuro has been in the area. No sign of his scent yet.

After walking around for 25 minutes, I finally get to a fountain at the end of one of the streets that isn't very crowded. I still haven't found Kyojuro. He said he'd be here in Kamakura. I really hope he didn't just decide not to come. I wanted to see him again. I sit down at the fountain and take my hat off. The sheet falls off my hair and lands softly on my shoulders. At this point I don't really care if anybody sees my face. I might kill all the people here out of frustration. I stare at the hat I stole.

Akaza: "Kyojuro.."

I sigh and look up at the street full of people. I stare at them for a second before going wide eyed. In the distance amongst the people, I see the tall gorgeous man with long golden yellow hair with red tips. There wasn't much light back at the train but here, the light bouncing off his skin made him look even more beautiful than before. I was about to stand up to go greet him when suddenly I saw a girl with him. She looked very beautiful and her shirt was somewhat open. She was talking with him and they were laughing. My heart dropped and I clenched my fist. Usually I don't like to hurt women but... I wanted to hurt her. Like, Badly. Then I saw she had a sword like Kyojuro and realized she had a Demon Slayer uniform on.

Who the hell is she?

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