Chapter 3: We Literally Just Met

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Rengoku's POV:

I sat there and waited for Akaza's answer. He seemed to be dwelling on the question a lot. All I asked him was what he wanted. It's a pretty straight forward answer. A few minutes went by and then he looked at me. He cleared his throat.

Akaza: "I want.. You."

Rengoku: "..To become a demon?"

Akaza: "No, I mean just in general. Are you single?"

What the hell? We literally just fought to the death and how he's trying to hook up with me. I blushed a little out of embarrassment.

Rengoku: "I-I.. Why would I tell you that?"

Akaza: "Normally someone who's engaged would say yes immediately, but you hesitated so that means.. You're single! Good! Or I would've killed you if you were taken, but now you get to be spared!"

Rengoku: "Comforting."

The bitch gave me a cute little smile. The nerve.

Akaza: "So I uh.. Can I stay with you..?"

I started laughing. I laughed for a good minute before looking at him. He looked embarrassed and was kicking his heel into the ground. I stopped laughing. Was he for real?

Rengoku: "You're not joking are you?"

He shook his head.

Rengoku: "Jesus Christ. You're a mass murderer. No, you're not staying with me."

He went wide eyed.

Akaza: "I can change!"

Rengoku: "What do you mean you can change? You're a demon."

Akaza: "That girl over there with Tanjiro is a demon. How come she can stay?"

Rengoku: "She hasn't eaten a single person since she was turned."

Akaza: "I... God damn she must be starving. I kinda feel bad for her."

Rengoku: "Well don't. She gets energy from sleeping instead of eating. Maybe if you could be energized by sleeping, I might've taken up your offer."

He looked like he just got an idea. Oh god.

Akaza: "Well I could learn!"

This motherfucker. He really isn't giving up isn't he. Sure, he's quite attractive for a demon, but he's still a murderer and I can't accept him.

Rengoku: "You do realize you're literally betraying MK, right? If he finds out, you'll be dead meat."

Akaza: "I know. But I've been a demon for the past 2 centuries and I've never felt this feeling before. I don't know how to describe it."

I blushed a little. Oh god. Is he in love with me? We literally just met like 20 minutes ago.

Rengoku: "I'm gonna stop you right there. First of all, you can't just date whoever you want. That's not how it works. Plus, I have standards, you know?"

Akaza: "Oh? What are they?"

Rengoku: "Like I'll tell you."

Akaza frowned.

Akaza: "So.. How do I prove myself worthy?"

Rengoku: "You're not gonna prove anything."

Akaza: "Aw..."

Rengoku: "But maybe, if you help us with all the passengers, I'll think about it."

That was a lie. Hell no am I dating a genocidal demon.

Akaza: "Uhm sure!"

Rengoku: "Will you be able to do it without raging and eating somebody?"

Akaza: "Yeah!"

Rengoku: "Alright then."

I had been concentrating on my breathing, so I'm sure my ribs were healed by then. I got up, felt a little wobbly but overall, I was fine. Akaza stood up as well and walked towards me.

Akaza: "I'm sorry for hurting you badly. Are you going to be okay walking by yourself?"

Rengoku: "I'll be fine-"

I stumbled and almost face planted into the ground if it weren't for Akaza grabbing my uniform. He pulled me back up and smirked. I closed my eyes and let out a hard sigh.

Rengoku: "Okay, maybe a little help."

Akaza smiled brightly. He grabbed onto my left arm and swung his other arm under my right arm. What is with his obsession with me? We neared the train and met up with the other four. Nezuko growled at Akaza a few times, and Akaza just waved back at her. Zenitsu was completely terrified by Akaza, so Akaza tried his best not to seem too intimidating. Tanjiro and Inosuke were still suspicious over Akaza, which is understandable.

Rengoku: "Let's go help the passengers then. But first, Akaza."

Akaza: "Hm?"

I look at the stripes on his chest and arms.

Rengoku: "You're gonna need to cover those up."

Akaza: "Oh. Well, I don't have another shirt.."

I take off my robe and hand it to him.

Rengoku: "You can cover up with this for the time being."

Akaza's face went a little red and he took the robe. He gently put it on. Not gonna lie, it didn't look half bad on him. We met up with the passengers and helped the families reunite with one another. The train, or the demon controlling the train, Enmu, had flipped off the tracks and so some of the families had gotten separated. I would've helped, but I wanted to test Akaza to see if he could actually pass some of my standards. I sat down and healed some more, while I watched Akaza try and help the humans. This would be a difficult task for him since some of them had gotten small wounds and cuts from the train flying off the tracks, so the smell of blood would be in the air.

I actually thought he would've eaten someone, but he didn't. On top of that, he actually treated the passengers with kindness. Most demons have extra limbs and look scary, but Akaza's appearance looks pretty human despite the stripes all over his body. So most of the passengers didn't seem that afraid of his physical appearance.

He was even doing better than Zenitsu, who was flirting with all the pretty girls. I noticed that Akaza got irritated and bonked Zenitsu on the head every time he tried to flirt with a girl. I laughed at the sight. Then, Akaza would start scolding him and telling him to respect the women. Then he would literally start apologizing to the girls on Zenitsu's behalf. After watching that, I realized something.

He was starting to pass some of my standards.

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