Chapter 11: Shoyo And Ayano

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I gripped the hilt of my sword. Mitsuri put a serious expression on.

Kyojuro: "Well then, looks like we're gonna clear them out."

I looked at Akaza, who was mesmerized by the crow.

Kyojuro: "Akaza, you don't mind me and Mitsuri killing demons, right?"

He looked at me, Mitsuri and then looked at the town.

Akaza: "I don't care. They're probably weak, and I hate weak demons. So by all means, exterminate them."

Kyojuro: "Well then let's go team."

The 3 of us ran towards the town. We got to the front gate of the town when Akaza stopped us.


Mitsuri and I stopped in our tracks. Akaza let out a sigh of relief. He walked in front of us.

Akaza: "Don't move. I need to check something."

He walked through the gate. Suddenly, his skin started to steam, but he regenerated it.

Akaza: "Just as I thought. One of the demons has an abnormally strong Blood Demon Art. You probably can't smell it since it's raining, but I can. There's an invisible barrier of poison covering the entrance."

Mitsuri: "Oh god, If Kyojuro had taken one step closer, he would've gotten poisoned."

I backed away from the gate.

Akaza: "It seems the barrier only covers the gate, so you guys can jump over the walls."

Me and Mitsuri walked to the right of the gate and jumped over the stone walls.

Kyojuro: "Can you smell any more traps?"

Akaza: "Not in this area."

Mitsuri walked out onto the street. She frowned.

Mitsuri: "Guys.. Where is everybody? This may be a small town but it usually has people walking down the streets."

Me and Akaza looked over.

Akaza: "Maybe they went inside because of the rain?"

Mitsuri: "Maybe. Can you smell them?"

Akaza took a deep breath.

Akaza: "That's strange. I don't smell any other human within a 50 meter radius of us."

Kyojuro: "It's only been raining for like 15 minutes.. You don't think the demons have already rounded up the entire town..?"

Akaza: "I don't smell any human blood either. Although, I do smell demons."

Mitsuri: "We have to look for them. We should split up."

I looked at Akaza. In order for us to thoroughly search the town, we're gonna need his help. I looked at the sky. It looked like the sun wasn't gonna come back out for a long while.

Kyojuro: "Okay. Akaza, I think I trust you enough to split up with us and not do anything sneaky. Me and Mitsuri are gonna go look for people. You said you could smell the demons, right?"

Akaza: "Yeah."

Kyojuro: "Could you please find them and put them down? I'm sure you're strong enough to take them down by yourself."

Akaza: "Alright."

Kyojuro: "And if you find any people, please be kind to them. They might be traumatized by what's happening."

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