Chapter 24: A Sudden Drop in The Temperature

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*types in resinless behavior*

Third Person POV:

Aizetsu: "A-Akaza!"

He rushed over to his superior. Akaza had fallen to his knees and looked like he was gonna pass out. Aizetsu trembled, thinking he accidentally killed him.

Aizetsu: "This is all our fault!"

Suddenly, he heard a powerful flapping behind him. He turned around to see his feathery alter ego.

Aizetsu: "Urogi, we killed him!"

Urogi: "Awesome!" 👏🤩

Aizetsu: "N-no, not awesome! Douma is gonna resort to tampering with us since we've taken Akaza's place!"

Urogi: "Oh, that's unfortunate... Still awesome though."

Aizetsu facepalmed. Sekido and Karaku appeared behind Urogi. Aizetsu whined.

Aizetsu: "I don't wanna get teased by DoumAaAAaaaAAAaaa!!"

Sekido: "Oh shut up, you sissy."

Aizetsu wailed.

Karaku: "Great job, Sekido. Now you've done it. He ain't gonna stop crying til we fuse again.."

Sekido rubbed his forehead and sighed.

Sekido: "Guess we fuse then."

Urogi: "But I was enjoying being free for a while!"

Karaku: "Same."

Sekido: "Well too bad. It's time to merge."

Karaku: "Why do we have to listen to you?"

Sekido glared at Karaku.

Sekido: "What did you just say?"

Karaku: "Who made you leader?"

Sekido gripped his palm. Aizetsu's whines got quiet as he and Urogi watched Karaku challenge Sekido.

Sekido: "If it weren't for me, we wouldn't have gotten this rank."

Karaku: "Oh come on, we've been able to survive because humans are weak."

Sekido: "We've almost been killed by Hashira countless times in the past!"

Karaku: "If anything, it's Zohakuten who's been keeping us alive."


Karaku: "All of us."

Urogi stopped flying and landed on the ground behind Karaku. Aizetsu wiped his tears. Sekido squinted his eyes.

Sekido: "Are you rebelling against me?"

Karaku: "No, we're going to teach you how to stop being controlling."

Sekido laughed.

Sekido: "The entire reason I exist is to be strict and angry."

Karaku: "Yeah, not controlling."

Ugori: "Anybody can be angry and submissive!"

The other three alters turned their heads and just stared at Urogi.

Karaku: "Uhhh..... Ooookay.. Ignoring you now."

Urogi smiled for no reason. Sekido rubbed his eyebrows out of disappointment. Aizetsu became concerned about Urogi's mental health.

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