Chapter 20: We Definitely Underestimated Him

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Kyojuro gave me a very dark and serious expression that freaked me out. I shivered.

Akaza: "U-uhm.."

I looked at Senjuro who was also giving me a death glare. I didn't even think a kid that adorable could make such a terrifying expression. Both of the Rengoku siblings stared at me as if I just insulted their mother. I looked at Tanjiro who had facepalmed. Nezuko didn't even look at me but I could tell she was frozen. Damn, these people are vicious.

Akaza: "Er.. Well.."

I sighed. I was about to say something, but Senjuro interrupted me.

Senjuro: "Father came back to get some things, then left."

Kyojuro looked down at his brother.

Kyojuro: "Then why were Akaza and Nezuko in a defensive formation?"

Senjuro hesitated for a moment.

Senjuro: "Akaza insulted him for being a bad father, and then he attacked Akaza. Akaza fought him off, but couldn't physically kick him out because of the sun, so Tanjiro kicked him out."

Kyojuro looked at me and Tanjiro.

Kyojuro: "Is that right?"

The two of us nodded slowly. Kyojuro sighed and put his stuff down. There was a bag of groceries he had wrapped around his shoulder.

Senjuro: "Is your arm alright?"

Kyojuro: "Yeah, It's fine."

Akaza: "Thank goodness.."

Kyojuro sat down at the table. He looked at Senjuro.

Kyojuro: "Could you go get me headache medicine from the washroom? I'd get it myself but I feel like falling over right now. Plus, I doubt these guys would know where it is."

Senjuro: "Oh, sure!"

Senjuro left the room. I sat down next to Kyojuro. He smelled like medicine and flowers. Kyojuro looked out onto the porch.

Kyojuro: "I put the headache medicine in an unusual spot so it's gonna take at least 5 minutes for him to find it. But 5 minutes is enough time to tell you guys something about myself."

I tilted my head a bit. Why would he trick his brother?

Akaza: "What is it, Kyojuro?"

He sighed and went into serious mode again.

Kyojuro: "..I'm not an idiot, you know."

Tanjiro and I went wide-eyed and froze again.

Kyojuro: "Sure, I may seem somewhat oblivious at times, but I am extremely intelligent. I mean, how do you think I became a Hashira? Just by power? No. It takes more than power to become a Hashira. What happens if you're in a life or death situation in which you need to come up with a plan on the spot? If I were truly that thickheaded, I might be dead right now."

We definitely underestimated him.

Kyojuro: "I know Shinjuro came back and attacked Senjuro. I mean, how else could you explain the bruises on Senjuro's neck? How else could you explain the impact marks on the fence? How else could you explain the hoarseness in Senjuro's voice? How else could you explain the slight limp in Senjuro's walk? How else could you explain why Senjuro didn't finish his chores, then he ALWAYS finishes his chores. Like, even if you ask him to take a break, he always finds some way to sneak away and finish them."

He was right. We wouldn't be able to explain all of those factors.

Kyojuro: "He knows how much I worry about him. I'm sure the reason he lied was so I didn't have to worry. I appreciate his concern, but what would have happened if I hadn't figured this out? And we had left him alone again only to be abducted by Shinjuro a second time? That's extremely concerning to me. As his older brother, and now his guardian, I need to know about every bad thing that happens to him. Akaza, Tanjiro, if you want to gain my trust, then it's your job to tell me if my brother is in danger. It's my job to worry about him, because if I feel that he isn't safe, I'll do something about it until I can say with confidence that he is safe. So you guys have to tell me this stuff, alright?"

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