Chapter 23: Karma Chose Violence Today

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(This is such a Rick Riordan-type title chapter lmao)

Sekido: "Why would you attack a helpless old man!?"

Akaza: "Helpless? Bitch, you're the Upper Moon Four, or.. Fours."

Sekido: "Have you no respect for your elders!?"

Akaza: "No, not really."

Karaku: "Even the master?"

Akaza: "..Well he's an exception."

He's actually not.

Karaku: "Kokushibo too?"

Akaza: "Have you seen how many times I've tried to kill him?"

Karaku: .-.

Sekido gripped his weapon.

Sekido: "You are the lowest of the low! Attacking someone who is clearly weaker than you!"

Akaza: "I literally hate weak people, demons too. Despise them for being weak. That includes you guys as well."

Karaku: "Wow, cold."

Sekido grinded his teeth. I even saw him spit a tooth out, he was grinding so hard. Of course, he regenerated it and hissed at me. He summoned a golden staff with a bunch of rings on it. Karaku stepped away from him.

Akaza: "You wanting a fight, horny boy?"

Karaku: "PFFT-"


Akaza: "I called you horny because you have horns, dumbass."

Sekido blinked, and looked up as if he just now remembered the horns on his forehead. He grabbed them, and randomly became self-conscious.


Akaza: "Zebra? The fuck is a Zebra?"

I looked at Karaku for context. He had gone to sit on the sidelines while me and Sekido argued. He set down a large maple leaf next to him. Karaku stretched.

Karaku: "It's an animal that lives on the savannas of Africa. They look like white horses that are covered with black stripes–"


Karaku closed his mouth, moved his fingers across his lips like a zipper and flicked his hand as if he was throwing something away. He gave Sekido a thumbs up.

Akaza: "Sekido, you are really mea–"

I went to make eye contact with Sekido again but he vanished. I sighed. Without turning my head, I knew he was approaching me from behind.

Akaza: "Y'know, there's a reason why Muzan made me Upper Moon Three and not you."

He aimed to slam his staff down on my head, but I blocked him with my right arm. I scoffed at him and he growled.

Akaza: "It's because I'm way stronger than you–"

Man did I eat my words. Before I knew what was happening, I saw a flash of light and suddenly felt a sharp strike of pain shoot throughout my entire body. At first I thought it was Muzan again, but this pain was less severe than his. It still hurt as if I had caught on fire and thousands of nichirin swords were raining down on me, but the pain Muzan inflicted on me felt like I was being completely torn apart atom by atom. Even if the pain wasn't as bad as Muzan's, it still hurt like a bitch despite only lasting a moment. I staggered, looking at Sekido's beady red branded irises. So this was the power of the Upper Moon Four.

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