Chapter 19: As Your Future Brother-In-Law

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(This is kind of a long chapter lol)

Of course, my face flushed pink at what he said. I let go of him. Tanjiro went wide-eyed at what he said as well.

Akaza: "W-WHAAAAA-"

Tanjiro: "Woah there, I think It's a bit early to be talking about Marriage, kid."

Yes, I wanted to date Kyojuro, but the thought of marriage had never crossed my mind.

Senjuro: "W-whaaat? It makes sense if Akaza loves him that much! Sorryyy."

Akaza: "N-no it's fine, I was just surprised you'd say something that bold."

I put my hands on my cheeks and stared at the ground. Marry Kyojuro? Just the thought of it made me heat up.

Senjuro: "I'm sorry."

Akaza: "I said it's alright-"

My sentence was interrupted by a loud cough. I looked over from where it came from. Of course, it came from fucking Shinjuro. He was still on the ground, but he was conscious.

Shinjuro: "Haa, marriage? Don't make me laugh."

My face darkened. Senjuro whimpered a little.

Tanjiro: "This guy just won't stay down, will he? I'll handle this-"

Akaza: "No. I'll handle him."

Tanjiro and Senjuro looked at me like I was crazy.

Senjuro: "You'll burn!"

Akaza: "No I won't."

I stepped forward off the porch and onto the gravel.

Shinjuro: "Pft, what an idiot."

And like I said, I didn't turn to ash. (Plot Armor- jk)

Shinjuro: "H-huh? How are you not burning?"

Akaza: "Well, If you were smart, you would have noticed that the sun has gone behind a large dark cloud."

I pointed at the sky as I walked towards him.

Akaza: "Unfortunately, Kyojuro told me to spare you, and since I care about him, I will do as he wishes."

Shinjuro: "Of course my son ends up attracting the worst of the worst."

Akaza: "...I'm not gonna take that personally because I know for a fact that a lot of people have fallen for him. So I agree with you on the fact that those shitty people wanted to take my Kyojuro away from me."

I stepped on his hand.

Akaza: "Leave, and don't come back."

Shinjuro: "And if I do?"

I squatted down next to him and looked him in the eyes.

Akaza: "Then I will personally introduce you to my boss."

Shinjuro went wide-eyed.

Shinjuro: "...Tsk, fine."

Shinjuro struggled to get up, so I helped him by kicking him till he did. I followed him towards the entrance.

Akaza: "Go."

Shinjuro: "I'm going, I'm going.."

I watched him as he limped down the road. I made sure the coast was clear by watching him until he was out of my line of view.

Akaza: "Fucking gosh.."

I shook my head and walked back to the Rengoku estate. Jeez, Shinjuro really needs to stop taking his anger out on others, and get over his dead wife. I looked up at the sky. The sun was still behind the large cloud but it looked like it was about to come back out in less than a minute. Of course, in the distance, I saw the sunlight shine back out over the forest.

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