Chapter 16: Mr. Independent

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I stared at the smaller version of Kyojuro. He was quite adorable. Kyojuro walked over to him. Senjuro backed away a little bit.

Kyojuro: "Huh? Why are you moving away? I'm giving you a hug."

Senjuro: "Ani.. You do realize there's.. A demon standing right behind you.. And he feels like a powerful one at that.."

He looked terrified at me. Kyojuro put his hands on Senjuro's shoulders.

Kyojuro: "Don't worry. He's a friend."

Senjuro: "But, he's a demon. H-he eats people."

I frowned a little. Understandable that he'd be scared, but I didn't think he'd be racist.

Kyojuro: "Well, Nezuko is a demon."

Senjuro: "But she's never eaten anybody.. And I can tell he's eaten loads."

Kyojuro sighed. He sat down so he could see eye to eye with Senjuro.

Kyojuro: "You're right. But believe me, he's different from the others."

He looked at me.

Kyojuro: "Introduce yourself?"

I stepped forward. To not seem so intimidating, I sat down on my knees.

Akaza: "I'm Akaza, one of the Upper Twelve Kizuki."

Senjuro let out a small scream.

Senjuro: "H-hes a kizukiiiii."

Kyojuro: "I know, I know."

Kyojuro hugged him so he'd calm down. Damn, not only is he hot, powerful, and brave, but he's a family man. I smiled to myself.

Kyojuro: "He won't eat us, I promise."

Senjuro: "O-okay.."

Kyojuro got up.

Kyojuro: "Now, would you help me make some tea?"

Senjuro nodded. I followed them into their kitchen. Kyojuro took his cape and sword off and put them by the door. He went outside and started a small fire. He grabbed a large pot and filled it with fresh water. He put the pot over the fire.

Senjuro: "Erm, Akaza? Do you have a tea preference? We mostly just drink green tea and chamomile."

Akaza: "I'll have chamomile, thanks. Do you need any help?"

Senjuro: "U-uh no I'm alright."

He grabbed two small homemade tea bags out of a basket and put them on the table. He then tried to grab another tea bag from a basket that was higher up on a shelf. Unfortunately, he was too small to reach it, so when he did grab it, the basket flipped over and tea bags fell on him. The basket fell on his head.

Senjuro: "AH!"

I tried not to laugh at his clumsiness. Kyojuro looked over.

Kyojuro: "You alright there?"

Senjuro lifted the basket off his head.

Senjuro: "Y-yeah I'm okay."

He started picking up the tea bags that fell on the ground. A couple of them came untied and some of the herbs spilled out on the floor. I sighed and got up. I started picking up the tea bags.

Senjuro: "You don't have to help me.."

Akaza: "Is it so bad that I do?"

Senjuro: "I- no.."

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