Chapter 22: The Infinity Castle

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(Kinda short chapter.)

As I neared the town where Muzan was going undercover, I stopped to change back into my normal clothes. I probably should have left my new pair of clothes back at the estate but, I can't have Muzan wait for me any longer. I just carried the clothes with me, but I'll hide them somewhere once I get close. I raced through the woods and grassfields. Finally, I found a cobblestone path that led towards my destination. I ran through the woods beside the path so people passing by wouldn't see me.

Finally, I reached the entrance to the town. I jumped on to one of the houses on the edge of the town. This town was known for being filled with mostly wealthy people, which Muzan favored being in wealthier towns than small villages. I looked over the town and took a deep breath.

Akaza: "Hope I don't die."

I jumped across some houses to another roof, and then another. I jumped high into the sky and looked around as I fell.

Akaza: "Which fancy house is he staying in this time?"

I landed on another house and sniffed the air. Muzan located. I dashed towards the house. The house was pretty big and modern, and had windows. I jumped onto the roof and set my clothes down. I looked over the roof and saw the balcony leading into the room where he was. I jumped down onto the balcony and immediately bowed down. I didn't say anything for fear of making him irritated. There was a hesitation, so I glanced up a little. He was looking at a book. I didn't recognize his appearance at first, but I knew it was him. At the moment, he looked like a small child with neatly groomed hair and a white blouse with black shorts. I looked back down at the floor. A few seconds later, I heard his book close.

Muzan: "You may speak."

Akaza: "...You wanted to talk to me, Master?"

Muzan: "Yes, I did."

He clapped his hands.

Muzan: "Nakime, would you do the honors?"

I heard the ping of a Biwa, and suddenly the two of us were on a platform within the Infinity Castle. I sensed Nakime's presence on another platform higher up than ours. Muzan turned towards me.

Muzan: "I want to know why you've stopped eating people."

I quickly came up with a lie that was somewhat true.

Akaza: "I encountered a Marechi a few days ago."

Muzan: "Oh?"

Akaza: "The Marechi was overweight, so there was a lot of blood in him. I consumed every last drop of blood out of him so I wouldn't waste his precious blood. I stopped killing because his blood was very filling, enough to keep me satisfied for a couple days. I had only started to regain my hunger again earlier today, but because of the sunlight, I wasn't able to go hunt."

Muzan: "..."

His silence intimidated me.

Muzan: "Very well. You can raise your head."

I looked up at him. He got close to me and grabbed my jaw, opening it. I went wide eyed. I was uncomfortable, but I stayed neutral. He inspected my mouth.

Muzan: "I smell the Marechi blood, but I also smell... Rice? What is the meaning of that?"

He let go of my jaw.

Akaza: "..When I found him, he was eating a large bowl of rice. So when he saw me, he shrieked and threw his bowl at me. Some of the rice got in my mouth. It tasted horrendous."

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