Keith Richards

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(A/N: Help I'm really simping for Keith atm. Courtesy to groovywildflower for the picture 😩)
Smuttier than usual I think

I pulled up at the ginormous mansion and parked outside. There were already a ton of cars there, lined up throughout the ridiculously long driveway. The house was huge, white and insanely tacky, just like Mick wanted it to be. And strangely, he made it look good. If anybody else had such a house, I would ridicule them for being over the top but this was the only house that seemed fitting for Mick. He had countless homes scattered around the world, and I'd been to most of them, but this had to be my favourite one by far. I walked up to the massive mahogany doors and before I could even ring the bell, it swang open and I was greeted by an excited Mick. "Hello darling, you're finally here!" He smiled, wrapping his arms around me. "Hi Mick." I greeted as I hugged him back. He smelled distinctively of womens perfume, and I couldn't figure out if it was from a woman or if he'd put it in himself. You could never tell with Mick.

"Come dear, throw your coat anywhere and let me get you a drink." He rambled as he guided me to the kitchen, even though I'd been here many times before. He quickly rushed us into the kitchen and slammed the door behind him. "Oh thank fuck." he muttered under his breath. "What was that all about?" I asked him as I poured myself a drink. "Nothing darling, Lennon's in there and he wants to collab with The Stones and jesus, that man can talk. You were my excuse to get away from him." I rolled my eyes. "Charmed." I said sarcastically. He walked over to me and hugged me from behind. "You know, you look absolutely beautiful tonight doll." I blushed and avoided eye contact. "Thanks." I said, trying to sound as calm as possible. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to Mick, but it was nothing serious, just an innocent crush. We'd met 10 years ago at a club and had been friends ever since. No matter how famous he was, our friendship stayed the same.

The kitchen door swang open as someone walked in. "Oh so this is where you escaped to!" laughed Keith, cigarette hanging from his mouth, coming over beside me to get himself a drink. "Jesus is he still talking?" asked Mick, letting go of me. "Yep, I managed to sneak off." Keith smirked. "You'll have to go back soon before he goes looking for you." Mick sighed dramatically as if he had all the worlds problems resting on his shoulders. "I suppose I better go talk to him." he groaned, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Bye y/n, talk to you later." He said, before winking and patting my ass. I rolled my eyes and swatted him away as he giggled out of sight.

"He should've invited Macca instead if he really needed a Beatle." Keith murmured under his breath, making me smile. "Don't go so hard on John, I feel bad for him." I sighed. "He's stuck with Yoko." I said, making Keith laugh. "Remember you used to have a crush on him?" Keith chuckled, downing the rest of his glass. "Excuse me, no I didn't." I rolled my eyes, trying not to blush. "Yes you did, you were obsessed with him." Keith laughed, handing me a bottle of beer. "It's not funny! I had a slight crush on him! Why I told you and Mick, I'll never know." I giggled, opening my bottle. "Besides, I was never a Beatles girl." I smirked. "Oh, so are you a Beach Boys girl? Or maybe you fancied The Doors? Oh I know, you loved The Monkees!" he laughed. I rolled my eyes. "Or did you maybe have your eyes set on one of us?" Keith said playfully, before noticing me look at the ground, trying to hide my red face.

"Wait, you did like one of us?" he enquired, eyebrows furrowed. "No." I muttered unconvincingly. Keith raised an eyebrow. "Oh I know, it's Mick!" he laughed. "Oh Mick, I love you and your massive lips and your terrifying dance moves and your weird harmonica playing, marry me Mick!" he mimicked in a high pitched voice that sounded nothing like me, but although he was joking, there was a hint of spite in his voice. "Alright, I had a bit of a crush on Mick in the past, but who didn't?" I shrugged. "I never understood the appeal about Mick." he shook his head. "He looks like a monkey." he laughed. "No he doesn't!" I scoffed, playfully shoving him. "Look at you, defending your boyfriend." Keith smirked. "Shut up!" I chuckled.

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