Crash and burn

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(During the 4 months since the aid car crash)
•the hospital
Andy's POV

I've decided I would go visit Sullivan given we both almost died during the crash. Visiting hours start at 9:30 so I have time to eat and everything. I really just wanna make sure he's okay. I get in the car on my way to Grey Sloan and I couldn't stop thinking about him. He doesn't have any one else here in Seattle besides Ripley. I should visit him more often so he doesn't feel lonely. The night at Joes Bar still replays in my brain I thought it would be a vivid dream by now but still feels like yesterday. I arrive at the hospital and I see Dr. Link who was one of his doctors. "Dr.Link! How's Robert?" "Robert Sullivan?" "Yea" "he's doing fine. If you wanna see him he's in room 1207." "Okay thanks." When I walked in he was in the bed he looked tired and bored and a bit surprised to see me or any one really to open the door. "Hey, Captain how are you?" "I'm fine. What are you doing here?" "Just checking in how's the leg?" " I'll be using a cane for a couple of weeks but it's good." I got a text from maya that said, "Andy the guys wanna throw a party at the houseboat you in?" "If you have things to do today you should go do them don't waste time talking to me." He said. "Nah nope no plans today I'm gonna hang out with you all day." I pulled out a deck of cards and handed it to him to shuffle while I texted maya back saying "uhm I'm gonna hang out with my dad today have fun though." "Okay suit yourself."  Maya sent back " Alright what are we playing?" Sullivan asked. "Uhm do you know how to play solitaire?" "Yeah I'll set it up."

While Andy and Sullivan were playing solitaire Maya begin to be suspicious of Andy "has Andy seem off yo you?" She asked Vic. "Nope same old Andy. Why? Something happen?" Vic said. "No, she just seems different since the crash." "Yea trauma would do that to you." "True, but she's getting a Medal of Valor and we're more excited about it then she seems."  "Maybe she thinks she doesn't deserve it. She could have survivals guilt she walked away with no extensive injuries and alive. Something Sullivan and the patient didn't do." "Well maybe we should get her mind off of that throw a party after the Ceremony." "Yea I'll help with the drinks and the music." 
Back at the hospital
"Damnit I let you win that one!" Robert laughs and says, " One more round?" "Yeah but this time I'm setting it up." The nurse walks in to say, "Mr. Sullivan your physical therapist will be here soon. Mrs. Sullivan your welcome to wait in the waiting room or join him to help out." " oh-I'm not - I'm not his wife." Andy says stuttering. "Oh my bad you guys just looked so cute together. You're still welcome to wait in the waiting room or watch." To break the awkward silence Robert beat her once again in solitaire. "How are you so good at this game?" "Solitaire's probably the only card game you can play by yourself so I learned to pass time." A couple mins later it's time for Roberts physical therapy "You don't have to stay for this you can go."  "No I want to stay." The doctor has Robert doing stretches and exercises for about 30 mins Andy can see how painful it must be. Once he Finnish's They take him back to his room "Hi what room is Robert Sullivan in?" Ripley said "1207." The nurse said, "Okay thanks." Ripley walks in with balloons and says, "Sully! Got you some balloons to cheer you up. Oh hey Herrera didn't see you there." "Hi chief. I could swing by later Captain now that the chiefs here I'll leave you too to catch up." Andy says as she rushes to leave. "So you and Herrera! Something going on over there?" Ripley jokes "Nope she was just visiting." "Well that's good you need other friends besides me Bobby." About a hour later visiting hours are over.

Andy's ceremony
Roberts POV 
7:15 pm

On most of Andy's off days she visits me she had a new card game to play every time she returns, she stays for my pt and we talk till visiting hours end and sometimes Andy would stay and play whatever game she has with me and Ripley. It's nice having a friend like her around. But I don't wanna be just friends. I have no idea if she feels the same. If she doesn't that would screw up our friendship and our relationship as coworkers. Plus our relationship would be against the rules we have a lot of bad factors against our relationship. Maybe it's a bad idea. On the bright side I can go back to work in 2 weeks. *phone chimes* it's Andy she said "I got my medal of valor today and Bishop and Hughes insisted on throwing a party." I wanted to come so I texted her, " I think I can convince nurse Adam to let me come by." "Well you should stop by if you can." I pressed the remote to signal nurse Adams and I practically had to beg but she gave me an hour so I went to Andy and Maya's apartment and toasted with Andy.

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