The truth comes to light

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"Andrea-" *phone rings* "hold on Dad." "Andy we need you back at the station." "Why my shift just ended?" "5 alarm fire." "Shit, I'm on my way." "Dad I gotta go we'll talk when I get back, I promise." When she arrived at the station they were all coming back getting into there turnouts. "Ugh our shift litterly just ended." Vic groaned. "I know right but this fire isn't gonna get put out on it own." Travis said. When they arrived at the scene it was a old factory building apparently some kids were in it and a fire sparked. "Montgomery, Hughes you're on search and rescue. Warren,Herrera you're on sweeping duty. Miller and Gibson you're on hose. Let's move 19!" Maya shouted. When Travis and Vic came out rescued 3 kids. "Our friend, Daniel he's still in there." One of the kids said. "We'll find him." Travis said they were about to run back in when the building exploded a couple of floors collapsed into each other with Ben and Andy still inside. "Herrera, Warren do you copy?" A couple seconds past no response. "Warren, Herrera what's your status?" Still no response "Hughes, Montgomery you're going in to look for them,they could be injured so take the first aid."

Meanwhile inside the building

"Warren, you okay." Andy called out. "Yea, are you?" "I'm fine but my radio is busted." "Yea mines broken too." Warren helped Andy up. "Visibly is low, we're going to have to find the exit and fast." Andy said. When they got to the exit a path of the building was blocking the exit. "Crap, there's gotta be another way outta here." Warren said they searched for another way but it seemed hopeless. They decided to split up Warren take the east she takes the west while the look for a way out and they meet where they first got up. On the west side Andy was looking for maybe a blueprint of the building perhaps there will be a way out from that. She checked under some rubbage when she heard someone screaming for help she saw Daniel he was under all the rubbage. "Hey Daniel, my names Andy I'm a firefighter and I'm going to help you get out okay." "Okay." The rubbage was to heavy she needed Ben's help so on the east side Ben was also looking for a map or blueprint he saw a desk it looked old and rusted he tried to force it open but it wouldn't budge so he grabbed his axe and tried to break it open. There was a blueprint it was a little old and dingy but it should help them he went back to the spot and noticed Andy wasn't there. "Herrera!" "Warren come help me with this kid over here!" Warren ran over there they grabbed pieces of the rubble bit by bit and was able to break him free he said his arm hurt a lot so Ben did a check-up while Andy checked the map. "Yea you got a broke wrist." He grabbed some bandages from the kit wrapped it around and put a sling around him. As Andy examined the map she figured out where they were there were on the south side of the building the exit was all the way on the north side.

Back with Vic and Travis

"Andy!Ben!" Travis and Vic called out. "Damn I really hope we find them." Vic said "you don't think-" "no, Ben and Andy are fighters they're fine we just need to find them." Travis reassure her. Little did they know they were on the west side on the other side of the building from Ben and Andy. They were able to search the whole North and west so they moved to the east. "Montgomery, what's your status?" Sullivan asked. "No sign of them." "Damnit. Alright, Hughes What's you're status on the fire?" "Station 45 has the fire contained by 80%." "*sighs* Smith, do you copy?" "Copy chief." "Smith I need you and the rest of station 45 to contain the fire by 100% can you do that?" "Yes, chief me and my time will do that right now." Station 45 was at the top of the building when it collapsed its was now 3 am and half of the station 45 was injured. The other half were struggling to put out the fire

Meanwhile: Jack and Dean

Jack and Dean were still using the hose when Maya order them to be put on damage control. Basically go back in the building and rescue all the injured firefighters. They soon ran into Vic and Travis "Have you guys seen Andy and Ben?" Vic asked. "No, you still haven't found them?" Jack asked "nope, I'm starting to get worried they would've answered or cane out of the building by now if they were safe." Travis said "Maybe they're trapped." Dean said. "Yea but what about there radios?" Vic said. "Okay where haven't you guys checked?" Dean asked "We haven't checked the South side yet." "Then that's where they gotta be." So they all headed for the south side of the building hoping to find Andy, Daniel, and Ben all in one piece. A couple minutes later Sullivan paged them "Miller Gibson do you copy?" " Yes chief we copy we've located a possible location on Herrera and Warren. And the fires out now it's just a search and rescue." "Thanks Miller let me know when you all find something." Sullivan was worried he tried his best not to show it but he was. No one has heard from Andy since they her and Warren went in and now he didn't know if she was okay. He just got her back he doesn't want to lose him again.

South side of the building

Meanwhile Andy, Daniel and Warren had found a way out but the building had cut off the way to leave the south side so Daniel and Andy stayed while Warren went to find another way. Andy also tried to fix there radios but it was no use they were busted. "What's going to happen if we can't get out." Daniel asked. "Well Daniel there's always another way someone will find us or we'll make a way." Andy told him. It was almost 6 am all of 19 were tired they had just finnished there shift and they were putting out a fire and now there on search and rescue. "Andy! Warren!" They all shouted. "Guys? We're over here!" Andy shouted "Am I hallucinating or did you guys hear Andy too?" Travis said "I heard someone, let's go check it out." Vic said. "Guys? It's me Andy I got a patient with a broken hand me and Warren were trapped!" Andy? Thank God you guys are okay!" Vic said. "Chief we've located Andy and Warren. We need tools to bring them out there trapped." "Okay Montgomery Hughes come back and grab the tools." Sullivan was relived that Andy was okay he could finally calm down it took a lot out of him not to want to run in there but he knew the risk. About a hour later the team was able to break through the rubble they brung Andy,Daniel,and Warren to triage they gave them a check-up and send Daniel to the hospital Robert wanted nothing more than to hug and kiss Andy but he knew they couldn't so he approached her professionally "You okay Herrera?" He asked. "I'm fine Chief." He took her hand and held it for a couple of seconds before someone came over and he walked away. It was 8am when they all headed back to the station. "Ugh I think I have a headache in my stomach." Travis groaned. "I. Need. Coffee." Dean complained. "You guys do realize we have a shift in 6 hours." Vic said. So they all went home Andy had completely forgot about her dads thing she went home to Robert and just slept all day till next shift.

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