I'll be seeing you

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Station 19
(3 days before the storage fire)
5 pm
Andy's POV

It's been about 2 weeks since Maya threatened to send Dixon the email. Yet nothing's happened she could've just been bluffing. Whatever I'm done worrying about it. It doesn't really matter now, we're Married if we do get caught it's not like we're breaking any rules. The pressures kinda off, we've only been keeping it a secret so the team doesn't freak out and we haven't really found the right moment. The only person that knows is Vic she even went to the wedding. I kinda wished Maya wasn't acting like this then maybe she would've went too. I miss her a lot, but she has to be the one to apologize I'm not mad about her stealing my job anymore. I'm more mad about how she's been acting and her threatening me. *sighs* well enough of that today I'm just going to ignore all her tactics just do my job.  Jacks been benched until further notice he hasn't been himself lately. I've seen it, everyone's seen it. I'm glad he's out there getting the help he needs. "Hey Andy." Travis said. "Oh hey Trav." "Do you know who's the sub for Jack." "No, you should try Bishop maybe she knows." "Okay thanks. How's that going by the way, you and Bishop?" "I don't really know. The whole situation is just * sighs*."  "Well if it makes you feel better everyone here got your back and supports you." "Thanks Trav, means a lot. What about you, anything going on?" "I been seeing this guy and turns out he had a girlfriend, long story short we've been getting together in secret." "Wow well any one at the station?" "Yeah, but I don't want to out him." "Yeah, I understand." "I think you'd know a lot about secret relationships at the station than anyone here." "What do you mean?" Crap I hope he doesn't mean me and Robert. How could he have known! "You and Gibson you guys kept it a secret for like 6 months without anyone knowing ." "Oh yeah, actually Maya knew." "Wow really? I'm always the last to know." "Yeah, I'll see you later Trav my day to cook dinner so I should go get started." "Alright, I'll see you later."

In the kitchen
6:35 pm
Andy got in the kitchen getting ready to make some spaghetti. "Need some help?" Jack said. "What are you doing here?" "Just stopped by to see the crew and the station." "Well if you're offering yeah, sure I could use some help." A couple minutes later Jack was stirring the sauce and Andy was cooking the meat. They had finnished cooking grabbed a bowl sat down and ate a little bit of it. "This is nice." Jack said. "Yea it is." "Do you think it would've been like this if..."  Jack stops his sentence and sighs. "If what?" "If you had said yes. We'd be married, happy, living together, and maybe someday kids." Andy stopped eating and turned to Jack. "Jack, I-" "Andy I've been thinking about this for a while. And I want us to get back together." "Jack I love our friendship and I want it to remain the same remember last time us working together and living together I don't want to ruin our friendship." "It won't ruin it, we worked together last time and it worked out perfectly."No it didn't and if I'm being honest I think we would've broken up anyway without the whole ring thing, and I don't think we would've gotten married, or even thought about having kids." "Do you even wanna get married, not to me but just marriage in general. Can you even imagine being someone's wife." "I'm sorry Jack, you've obviously thought about this for a while. I'm sorry for all the pain I must've caused you leading you on that way. Making you think we were that serious when we weren't." "So you don't think we were that serious? We dated for months." "We weren't dating it was mainly sex and secrets and it was exciting and fun but that's it." "Wow, you won't even think about giving us a second chance just dismissing the idea." "There's nothing to think about. Jack I'll always love you but just as a friend I liked how our friendship was before can't we just go back to it?" "You know what forget it forget about everything. I'm late for a meeting with my therapist." "Jack wait!" Andy called for him to come back but he was gone. He went to a bar had a couple shots got drunk. "You know what Marty, it doesn't matter how much you love someone if they don't love you back it sucks." Jack said to the bartender. "I'm Henry, Marty's out." "Why wouldn't she love me man?" "I- I don't know buddy. Is there someone you want me to call? A cab or something?" "Nah that's good I'll just walk home." "You sure?" "Yeah, here Marty keep the change." "It's Henry!!" Jack went home and walked into Andy's room, it was empty he climbed in her bed and slept there.

Roberts house

"You're leaving already?" "I have too I need more clothes." Andy said. "You have clothes here." Robert said. "Not enough." "Want me to come with you?" "Yeah, sure but stay in the car can't risk Jack finding out about us." "I still can't believe he said all that to you." "It's fine,He doesn't know about us." "Yeah, your right. Let's go." When they arrived at Andy's and Jacks place Andy went inside opened the door and found Jack lying in her bed. "Jack? What are you doing in my bed!" "Jack wake up!" "Andy?" "What are you doing in my bed?" "Your beds more comfy." Jack said slurring his words. "Come on let's go in your room."  "Why...." "why what?" "Why won't you choose me, be with me, can't you see? It should be me and you!" "Jack-" Jack interrupts Andy with a kiss. Andy pushes Jack off of her and screams "What the hell Jack! Get some help!" "I'm getting help! It's not working! Nothings working." "Oh, Jack." "It's fine you can go run off to wherever you go." Andy walked out and got in her car and she drove. "What happened?" Robert asked. "He's a mess, and he's drunk. He needed help." "Where are we going?"  "I'm going to his therapist's office, let her know what happened." "Okay I'll wait in the car then." She drove to the office and walked in. "I'm here to see Mrs. Robinson." "Do you have an appointment?" The secretary said. "No, but I really need to talk to her." "She's not busy right now so I guess you can go in." Andy walked in and saw Mrs. Robinson beginning to leave. "Hi, Mrs.Robinson? I'm Andy Herrera." "Herrera? I think I've heard of that before." "Yeah, you probably have. Listen I need to talk to you about Jack." "Gibson? Jack Gibson?" "That's the one." "Okay what's up?" Andy filled her in everything that happened today. "Hmm I'm starting to think this goes a lot further in his past. Unresolved trauma. I'll have him meet me tomorrow see if he mentions any of this." "Thank you. I've just been worried about him." "You two must be pretty close." "We were I've known him for about 2 years now. I just want him to be fully ready to return to work." "I want the exact same." Andy left the office got in the car. "So how'd it go?" "His therapist seems to have a grip on these things. He just needs more time. Also, when we were in there Jack kissed me. I didn't kiss him back. I just thought you should know. It didn't mean anything. He's my friend and he needs my help." Robert sat there in silence until he finally said. "It pisses me off but he's your friend and I understand." He grabs her hand and kissed it. Then her and Robert went home.

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