▪︎ Vision - I Love You ▪︎

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I love Vision with a buring passion. I don't care if he's a robot- Because I love him so much, I am attempt to write an imagine about him! I hope this is good and it sounds like how he would act and talk. ▪︎


When someone has a crush on someone else, there's always that exciting feeling. They always want to be around the person they have feelings for, whether it's just talking to them or helping them. It's like they feel the need to grow closer to them and be around them at almost every moment of the day. That's how I feel about Vision. He's more than a robot. He acts and has feelings just like a human. He gives me this warm, happy feeling when I see him. I can hardly contain myself when we talk and visit one another.

I lie on my bed, staring at the ceiling. My heart just pounds thinking of Vision. I sit and wonder what he thinks of me. I close my eyes and curl up with one of my pillows. Suddenly I hear a knock at the door. I turn over onto my other side, but as soon as I do I see Vision. I jump at the sight of him and make a panicked noise.

"Oh dear! I'm terribly sorry to startle you! I knocked... I guess I should have waited until you answered for me to come in or not." He chuckles slightly "I'm still trying to figure out doors... Steve and Tony have really been getting annoyed by that." Vision exclaims. I giggle and get up off of the bed, trying to act like everything's fine and that he didn't scare me.

"No, no it's okay. What's up?" I ask. Vision moves right past me and sits down onto my bed. He then pats on the area next to him, gesturing for me to come and sit next to him. I make my way over to the seat and sit down, crossing on leg over the other with a sweet, loving smile on my face. The room falls silent as Vision turns his head to look at me. I stare at him, my stomach suddenly fills up with butterflies. "Does anyone need me? Is someone hurt? Wh-What's going on?" I ask Vision, wondering why he's acting a bit off. Usually he has a million random facts to tell me or he wants to hear about my life, but he's more quiet and awkward.

"Oh, no, no, no, no one needs you. I actually wanted to talk, you know, as we usually do." He pauses before continuing. "This time though, I will say it's more serious on my part." Vision tries to smile the best he can. He stares into space and inhales deeply. There's yet another pause. He sits there for a moment, slightly mumbling to himself, trying to think or remember something.

"So, uh, Vision...? What did you want to talk about?" I ask, snapping him back into reality. He looks back up at me and widens his eyes. I suddenly begin to panic about what he's about to tell me. Why is this so serious?

"Oh, yes... You see this is something fairly odd and I don't know how to explain it, seeing as I'm only a piece of artificial intelligence, but I'll try getting right to the point..." He pauses once more, still staring at me, eyes just as wide as they were. Our eyes lock on one another, stuck in each other's gazes. "It seems that I'm beginning to have feelings about you." He smiles a bit. "I enjoy my time around you the most in comparison to the other people in the Avengers Compound. I think you're clever, kind, and a very talented human. I believe, because of you, for the first time, I feel the feeling of love."

I feel myself freeze. Without hesitation, Vision then moves his right hand to my right cheek. He lightly cups my cheek and smiles as he leans in closer to me. He's tense, but he's covering it up well. I can tell he's uncomfortable, but he's also just as joyous. He gets even closer and then kisses me on the lips. Although he's a robot, it feels as if he is a human. I close my eyes and embrace the kiss, happier than ever. Then, he slowly backs away.

"Do you still feel the same way? Do you consider this love?" I ask, our faces still only inches away from each other. He grins at me.

"Yes. I do believe this is what love is supposed to feel like." He lightly brushes his fingers across my cheek. "I love you, (Y/N)." The sentence echos through my head.

"I love you too, Vision."

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