▪︎ Peter Parker - Newbie ▪︎

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▪︎ I got the idea if this from one of my many MCU OC's. She's an alien, which you'll read more about. I thought maybe this would be interesting to write about, so I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think. ▪︎


I watch as the limo carrying Mr. Stark and Happy Hogan, as well as another new recruit, pulls up next to the hotel. We are currently staying here in Berlin, preparing to fight. I watch as Mr. Stark slides out of the car and someone follows behind him. Mr. Stark walks up and pats me on the shoulder.

"You and Happy are in charge of the newbie. I have to go talk to Rhodey, Vision, and Nat." Mr. Stark looks at me and I nod. "Thank you." He says and begins walking into the hotel. I look over at Happy who's helping the new kid get his bags.

"Excuse me, Mr. Parker, over here." I lift up my hand slightly and wave. The kid runs over and puts his hand out.

"Wow, your skin is gray-" He spits out and then freezes. "I mean- It's just- I'm Peter! Peter-" I cut him off.

"Peter Parker. I know who you are. Mr. Stark told me." I raise an eyebrow. "You're the 'spider boy' or whatever."

"Spiderman." He blurts out. I look back at Happy who already seems done with the newbie. I take the bag out of Peter's hand and begin walking into the hotel, he quickly runs up to catch up with me, leaving Happy alone with the other bags.

"So, who are you?" Peter shouts out. "How do you know Mr. Stark?" I continue walking, not looking at Peter.

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N). I live with Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts. Sometimes at the Avengers Compound as well. I'm an alien who landed near Mr. Stark's Malibu house. He's taken care of me ever since." I mutter and begin stomping up the hotel stairs.

"Wow, that's so cool! Are you an Avenger?" He exclaims.

"I help fight, but I have to keep a low profile due to the fact that people aren't really fond of aliens because of the attack on New York." I mumble and turn down the hallway. I can see Happy struggling behind us. I turn, unlock the door to Peter's room, and swing the door open. "Here's you're room. I'll be in the room next door and Happy is across the hall." Happy finally catches up to us and stares at me.

"No, Tony said you need to help him get settled in." Happy exclaims.

"I did, I brought up a bag and showed him his room. I think that's good enough." I smile. Happy doesn't find that funny. He glares at me. "Fine." I push Peter into the room, take the bags out of Happy's hands and slam the door in this face.

"So how old are you?" Peter asks. I flop down onto his bed and sigh.

"Technically time worked differently on my planet, so I'm decades old, but I only appear and seem like a 15 year old on earth." I explain.

"That's so interesting, but I'm 15 too, so... that's cool! So what about-" I quickly cut him off.

"You've asked a lot of questions for someone I've only known for about 5 minutes." I sigh. "It's my turn to ask questions."

"Oh, yeah, okay." Peter's eyes widen and he sits down next to me. He turns his head and stares at me in awe.

"How do you get the web slingers?" I ask. I was curious from the moment Mr. Stark and I began learning about him.

"I-I make them... It's simple science." He mutters. He begins to become more giddy and excited. "I also can sense things, climb walls, and I have super strength."

"Nice." I sigh. "Why do you do what you do? Mr. Stark and I have watched every video we find on you. You don't do anything... crazy, but you help everyone in your neighborhood."

"I have abilities that no one else does. I feel like I need to use them to help others because what else am I going to do with these powers." Peter explains. He suddenly goes quiet. "I-I don't know why this is happening to me, but if I can make the world a better place, I'm gonna do all I can to." We sit in silence for a few moments. I look at him, but he tries forgetting about everything he said. "Wh-What are your abilities?"

"O-Oh- yeah..." I stumble over my words. "I can control different rocks, metals, and minerals. As well as grow plants and vines, and if I concentrate hard enough I can create certain natural disasters."

"W-Wow! That's so cool!" Peter frantically gets up off the bed and spots a potted plant in the window sill of his hotel room. He grabs it and brings it over to me. "C-Can you make this grow!?" He exclaims. I place my hands lightly on the soil of the flower and take a deep breath. Suddenly, the plant begins to grow. "Oh my God! You're so cool!"

"That's no fair, I showed you my powers. Climb some walls or something." I lightly chuckle. Peter looks at me and widens his eyes slightly before also chuckling.

The two of us stay up all night getting to know each other.

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