▪︎ Steve Rogers - Reunited ▪︎

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▪︎ So for background, you've been bestfriends with Steve and Bucky since you were children. You all lived in the same neighborhood, were in the same classes, moved to the big city together, and hung out almost every night. You hadn't seen Steve since he got the serum, so you make a surprise visit to see him. ▪︎


"Give a big hand for Captain America!" The announcer shouts as Steve takes a bow. Confetti begins to fall. The stage is now a mess. The other dancers and actors stand behind Steve and also bow. Steve grabs the microphone away from the announcer.

"Thanks for coming to the show!" Steve exclaims with a cheeky grin on his face. I chuckle and let out a loud cheer for my old pal. Seeing him like this is as if I'm in a dream. Bucky was always the strong one, protecting Steve and I from creeps and bullies. Steve used to be the same size as me, now he looks 2 feet taller. "You're all real amazing kids. You'll make fantastic soliders one day." He exclaims. The kids roar with applause and happiness.

Slowly, the curtains shut. Steve waves to the kids until he is no longer in sight. Parents suddenly grabs kids and begin piling out. Popcorn and candy is all over the floor. People are loud, laughing and talking. I remain seated until my row is completely gone. Then I make my way to the side of the stage. Although I don't believe I'm technically allowed to do this, I climb up the stage stairs and sneak behind the curtains. The dancers are sitting on crates talking, as producers and stage managers cross the stage frantically. Janitors clean the extremely messy stage.

I make my way to the back of the stage, looking for any exit or dressing room Steve could have gone to. I quickly make my way over to a worker who's writing a few things down.

"Excuse me, sir, do you know where Captain Rogers went?" The man looks up at me and raises an eyebrow. He slowly looks me up and down. "Sir, please."

"You shouldn't be back here." He mumbles. "This isn't a place for the customers to roam and flirt with Captain America."

"Oh, no, no, no! I'm friends with Captain Rogers. We've been friends since we were children." I smile. The man sighs. "Please. I haven't seen him for months. I just want to talk to him. It would mean the world to me if you just pointed me in the direction of him." There's a moment of silence before the man groans.

"Fine. He's probably out back. That's where he goes after almost every performance." The man says and begins to write again onto his clip board.

"Thank you!" I say with joy and smile. I run past the man and begin looking for the exit out back. I have to excuse myself past a good amount of people, but quickly see a door to the back of the theater. I slide out the door and shut it lightly. It's drizzling outside and the air smells of rain. I turn my head and see Steve sitting, sketching in a little notebook. I take a few steps closer.

"Now why's Mr. America sitting outback all alone. You have a dedicated fan base you could be meeting at this very moment." I chuckle as Steve whips his head up and around. His eyes meet mine and he stares in awe.

"(Y/N)?" He exclaims, setting his sketchbook down and getting up.

"In the flesh." I smile. Suddenly I'm standing in front of him. He hovers over me. I've never felt shorter. "Geez, Now I'm officially the shortest in the group." I smile as Steve takes another step closer and hugs me. His hugs are stronger then they were before, but just as loving and warm.

"What are you doing here?" He says, pulling me out of the hug, but still holding onto my arms lightly. "I haven't seen you in what feels like forever."

"I had to come meet Captain America. I've seen him in the paper and he never seemed to write me." I mutter.

"I'm sorry I didn't write any letters. I was busy. A lot was happening." I can tell he feels bad. "I'm sure Bucky doesn't write to you. He's stationed out in England."

"Actually, he writes to me almost every week. We're sort of like pen pals now." I smile a little. "I mean, it's no wonder, you're Captain America. You're busy, important. People are all over you."

"But that doesn't mean I forget about my best friend. You've always been there for me. And I haven't even checked in on Buck" He exclaims. "I'm sorry."

"Steve it's okay. Bucky's doing just swell in England." I sit myself down next to Steve's sketchbook and grab it. "I see you still have the sketchbook I got you."

"Yeah it's been really helpful since all this stressful military stuff." He mumbles and sits down next to me. I pick up the book and open it up. "Oh- You don't need to see that."

I suddenly see hand drawn portraits. There's one that looks just like Bucky. Another of what looks like a woman who also seems to be helping with the war. The next page is a picture of me, then another of me, and another. It just goes on.

"This is amazing Steve..." I mumble.

"Yeah, I- uh, although I haven't really talked to you, you've still been on my mind a good amount..." Steve sighs. He instantly tries to change the subject as I stare intensely at the pictures of me. "So, what did you think of the show?"

"O-Oh... yeah. You were good. A little awkward and uncomfortable though." I smile. "You always were a little more introverted, weren't you." Steve nods as I lean my head onto his shoulder. "Bucky wanted to party and go out late at night, you wanted to just simply go out to the movies and stay far away from everyone. I did my best to compromise and make a plan for you two idiots."

"You were always good at solving all our problems. Sorry you had to deal with us." Steve laughs a bit.

"No, no. It's fine. It was my favorite." I take one more look at one of the pictures of me and then I shut the sketchbook. I take my head off of Steve's shoulder and lightly set the book into his lap. I look up at him again.
"You two always kept me on my toes. Every hour with you was the best. Plus, the good times always out weighed the stressful ones. No matter what, you two helped me and stopped stupid, immature men from hitting on me. Even if it meant you getting sucker-punched, you did it."

"Anything for you." He mutters. "I mean, you'd try to shut the idiots up who'd try to mess with me."

"But then that would end terribly cause they'd corner me... And then Bucky would suddenly appear and save the day." I lightly grab Steve's hand.

"I missed you... and again, I-I'm sorry I never wrote to you." He says.

"You don't need to worry. I'm happy I get to see you again, and I'm happy about all of your success." I pause. "No one deserves to be Captain America more than you. You've always wanted to help others."

Suddenly the back exit door swings open. There stands one of the managers. He looks at me and then Steve.

"Rogers, we need to start packing up and get to the next stop. Stop flirting around." The manager exclaims. "Hurry up." Then the door slams shut. We sit in silence for a moment.

"I wish we had more time." I mumble. "It sucks that one of my friends can't hang out with me, I hate that now I have to lose both." I mutter and fake a laugh. I miss the nights out with the boys. I've been so lonely lately.

"M-Maybe we can have more time..." He mutters. "You can tour with me."

"Wh-What!? No! I'll just be a waste of space." I shout out.

"No, I'll tell them I won't tour without you. They need to get you hotel rooms and your favorite meals and whatever you want. That way we can hang out whenever I'm not on stage and I can make up for all of our lost time." Steve says, grabbing my hands and pulling me closer. "Please. I don't know anyone here. I'm all alone. I could really use a friend. J-Just, go home, pack a bag or two and meet us back here in about an hour."

"I-I" I freeze up and stutter.

"Just say yes!" He exclaims. I let out a sigh nod.

"Okay. I'll do it."

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