Exams/Drama Festival/Bonus

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"Hm..." You said as you were eating pocky in class. You were leaning in your chair while playing on your phone. You were playing Obey Me as you were making choices. "I love Beelzebub!" You whispered. Karma glanced over to you and saw your phone. "Oh lord. Lucifer and Mammon..." You said in a whisper as Koro-sensei started shouting.

"MISS (L/N)! GET OFF OF YOUR PHONE AND STOP EATING IN MY CLASS!" Koro-sensei shouted as you glared.

"Jesus Christ! No one complains when you always talk about someplace and getting food there!" You shot back. 

"At least I don't eat it while teaching! It's rude!" Koro-sensei shouted as you and the class deadpanned.

"Koro-sensei...You ate in class before... You were eating some cake from Australia." Okano said. 

"Yeah, and that other time where you got some random sweet from Vietnamese!" Maehara said.

"And that other time where he got the gelato from Pennsivlayna, Philadelphia," Sugino said.

"Yeah and the time you went to India-" Rio started as Koro-sensei interrupted.

"OK OK, I GET IT!" Koro-sensei shouted as you smirked and went back to your game. "(Y/N)-CHAN NO PHONES IN CLASS!" Koro-sensei shouted as you stood up. 

"Yeah?! What are gonna do?" You shouted as Koro-sensei zoomed past you and went in front of the class. He had your phone and all of your pocky. "Eh?!" You said as Rio took a picture of you. You realized your hair was in pigtails. "Ugh! Koro-sensei!" You shouted as you took your hair out. You sat down as you put your hair in a ponytail. Koro-sensei was talking about getting everyone in the top fifty.

"As if it were that easy..." Sugino said as you stood up and walked to him. "They have a new teacher and you won't believe who it is," Sugino said as you smacked the back of his head. "OW!"

"Sure the principal is pretty logical and shit but you think that that's gonna stop us. Just because he manipulating people doesn't mean it will help with their logic." You said as everyone looked at you confused. "I mean think about it. Let's say Karasuma-sensei had the power to manipulate people like the Principal. If he would've manipulated us and ordered us to kill Koro-sensei technically we didn't learn anything about assassination." You said as everyone started to understand. 

"Yeah, but I wouldn't want to deal with his brainwashing tactics," Mimura said as everyone looked at him. "His weird charisma, controlling people with one word or glance..."

"His teaching skills put him on a par with Koro-sensei's Mach 20." Someone else said as you comically froze. 

'None of them just received anything I just said into their minds...' You thought as you had the droopy lines and went to your seat. After that, you and a few of your classmates were walking. Fuwa was talking about how the principal and Koro-sensei were alike. Karma was teasing you about some past and present things until you all seen Asano.

"Huh? It's Asano-kun..." Kayano said as everyone looked at him.

"What do you want?" Sugino asked as you looked wide-eyed.

"It pains me to say this... But I have a request." Asano said as you snickered slightly. Karma smiled as he tilted his head. "I'll cut to the chase. That monster. I want you to kill him."

"OH LIKE KILL HIM! GLADLY! I'LL TAKE THIS OFFER!" You shouted as everyone had the lines across them and looked dead.

"Not physically," Asano said as your happy face faltered. "Kill his education policies..." After Asano explained to us you and Karma went behind him after he bowed. 

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