Part one- a game of cat and little mouse

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Hey before you start your reading journey please swipe right, at the picture and click the YouTube vid for music and I would suggest wearing headphones 🎵

You where walking home from work, the weather being unkind as heavy rain was pouring down. You had been fired from your job so walking in the rain made your mood even worse. You used to work for a large hero agency before your invidious boss fired you for no reason and telling you, you were"a sorry excuse for a hero with a useless quirk ." You actually had two quirks, your first being called siren: you could enchant or hypnotize anyone with your quirk, then the second one actually was pretty embarrassing it's name is blinker: when you get scared, nervous, or angered your body will blink a bioluminescent light from inside your body and you will make a high pitched ding noise. Anyway, you being unaware that it was going to rain didn't have an umbrella, and you where soaked from the rain. You lived with your boyfriend in a small apartment, you got home and didn't see your boyfriend. "Huh he's probably off drinking again." You thought to yourself. You walked into your shared bedroom and that's when you seen your boyfriend on top of another girl making out. You were so angry, tears formed in your eyes from this god awful day and now this. Your blinker quirk activated and you screamed that you were leaving him, and the apartment. You didn't care if you had a place to live or not. Your now ex boyfriend yelled at you telling you he didn't care that you were leaving and that he just wanted you gone. You gathered a backpack full of clothes, hygiene items, and what money you had left. Before you left you slipped on a raincoat and slammed the door as hard as you could, running away from the apartment. You didn't really know where you were going, but you didn't care, your life was falling apart. You stopped running in a kind of bad part of town, and just slumped against an alley wall. You just cried letting your emotions out. After a while you curled yourself in a ball and hid your face in your knees trying to stop crying. You thought about going to your parents place to stay until you could get back up on your feet, but you didn't want them seeing you like this. Just as you were about to start balling again you heard footsteps echoing in the alley. They sounded like they were getting closer to you, but you didn't pick your head up and just let another tear roll down your face. The footsteps got closer and closer until they sounded like they stopped right in front of you. You got annoyed thinking you didn't wanna deal with some thug, you picked your head up slowly seeing a man with black hair, turquoise eyes, and a lot of scars all over his body.he was wearing, boots, jeans with a belt, a tight white shirt, and a long jacket. He leaned down to your level smirking at you. "Well, well, well what do we have here? Looks like a little mouse has just wandered into this cats trap." Your eyes widened realizing that this was no normal thug, you could tell he was dangerous.

"What do we have here?" A Dabi villain x reader Where stories live. Discover now