Part five- Just a new recruit

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You both walked into a darker part of the city kinda like where Dabi found you the first time. You both turned down an alley and saw a man standing against the wall. The man slowly approached Dabi and handed him some pills and other medication. "Thanks dagger I needed this." He said looking at the bottle. "Don't mention it that was almost too easy to steal." The man said smirking, then he looked at you. "Who do we have here?" The man asked. Dabi put you behind him, just a new recruit." Dabi told him. After that you both walked away. Then Dabi took you behind a grocery store. "You see those?" Dabi asked you pointing at delivery trucks. "Yeah" you replied. "Ok when I say, run to the red truck and hop on my shoulders. In your head you were thinking "what the fuck am I doing all this for?" But you ignored your inner thoughts and did what he said. You both watched a man walk inside the grocery store and that's when he told you. "Ok let's go." You both sprinted to the red truck and he kneeled down, you hopped on his shoulders and scanned the top shelf inside the truck. "Ok grab all that stuff." Dabi told you. You saw that it was milk, water, and some food. You grabbed some of it and you both ran out of the truck. Dabi put you down when he thought you weren't being followed just to be safe. "What are we doing all this for what's all this for." You asked. You were both almost back to the underground. "You'll see." He replied. You both walked into the abandoned subway station and you saw a lady with a little boy standing there dressed in ragged clothes and dirty. "Dabi!" The little boy said letting go of the woman's hand and running full speed into his arms for a hug. "What's up little dude?" He asked hugging him back. "Byoki what did I say about running, you could start wheezing." The woman said. Dabi handed the woman the supplies you picked up, and when the lady saw the medication she started to cry. "He could die without this medicine how can I ever thank you Dabi." The woman asked. Dabi looked her in the eyes, "don't worry about it you'll both be just fine." He reassured her. "Thanks Dabi you're the best hero." The kid said looking up at Dabi. "I'm not so sure about that Byoki." Dabi said ruffling his hair. "Can you do it please, please with a cherry on top?" The kid asked Dabi excitedly. "Byoki" the woman said "Its fine no big deal." Dabi said kneeling down next to Byoki and opening his hand. Dabi used his quirk and lit the blue flame once again. You looked at the kid, his eyes were big and watching Dabi's flame in complete awe it was adorable. The lady came and stood beside you starting a conversation. "So you're a friend of Dabi's ?" "Oh well yes, you could say that I'm y/n." "I'm Kireina and that's Byoki my son." "Do you live in the underground?" "Yes I'm living there thanks to Dabi, before that we were both living on the streets." "I'm so sorry." "Well you see my quirk is unknown and for some reason it makes me go blind and deaf for eight hours a day, and Even if I could get a job it would have to be the night shift and I can't leave Byoki alone at night, my son was recently diagnosed with stage two lung cancer he's having trouble breathing and I'm so scared I'm going to lose my son." She says bawling. You hugged her and whispered to her. "Don't loose hope Kireina me and Dabi will make sure you and Byoki will be ok." She pulls away from you smiling. You feel a tug at your pants and see Byoki standing there. " what's you're quirk?" He asked you cheerfully. You smile and sit down pulling him into your lap. "Let me show you." You said getting ready to sing, you were going to use your siren quirk for enchantment. You started to sing slowly and softly letting your voice echo in the empty train station. When you finished you noticed the child fell asleep in your arms. "That was absolutely beautiful y/n." Kireina said taking her son in her arms. You and Dabi say your goodbyes to Kireina and watch her leave the train station with Byoki resting on her shoulder. "I want some fresh air" Dabi says bringing you to the roof of a nearby building. You both stare into the nights starts. You start to get anxious and ask. "Hey Dabi will Kireina and Byoki be ok?" Dabi looks at you. "I hope so." He replied.

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