Part four- Rise and shine little mouse

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The morning came quickly, but you slept in not caring what time you would awaken. Later you felt someone flick your forehead. You opened your eyes and looked up, of course you saw Dabi looking down on you with smug look on his face. "Rise and shine little mouse." He said. You rolled your eyes and mumbled " no" closing them again. "Fine let me refrase that, get up or I'll make you." Dabi said crouching down next to the bed. You turned away from him showing him you didn't care, burrowing yourself beneath the covers. The next thing you knew Dabi threw back the covers, pulled you by your legs and threw you over his shoulder. "What the hell?" You say sleepily. Dabi goes into the living room and threw you on the sofa, Dabi laid on top of you so you couldn't leave. "I warned you to get up doll face, now you're gonna sit here with me until I'm done watching the news." He said switching on the TV. You struggled and wriggled trying to get him off of you, until you got tired, and looked up at Dabi, looking down at you. Dabi side glanced you, and asked in a sarcastic tone, " are you done yet?" "Well I kinda don't like when people sit on me." You stated before moving again. Dabi sighed, picked you up and put you on his lap. He held your hands tightly together. "Now sit still." He whispered in your ear. You both looked at the television screen and a reporter started speaking. " what you're looking at here is a large research building that was burned to the ground just two nights ago." The television showed a building that was burned to a crisp. The reporter continued. "And we still have no identification on who the person was that set the building ablaze, heroes and police are still searching for the unknown criminal luckily no one was killed just a few minor injuries, now we return back to you John." Dabi switched off the tv. "Did you do that?" You ask frantically. " don't worry little mouse that research building was actually a hidden villain base I took care of them before they could take care of us it's a war, villain against villain, they want to be the top villains and will do anything to accomplish that goal" Dabi let go of your hands and told you to get dressed. You guessed he was taking you someplace. You put some clothes on you found in your backpack and thought about what he said "villain against villain" you changed and saw Dabi waiting for you in the living room. "Ok listen little mouse I have to go a couple of places and you're gonna have to come with me." "Why?" You asked. "Because i can't trust you here by yourself." He said throwing you a large hoodie. "What's this for?" You ask. "Disguise " he replied. You pulled the hoodie over your head, it smelled like his cologne, and was warm like his skin. It was a big fit on you but you loved it. You and dabi left the underground. The whole time you saw that Dabi wouldn't stop staring at you, you could see him looking at you in the corner of his eye. "What?" You ask him. Dabi looks away trying to hide a smile. " you look cute definitely not like a villain." Your heart explodes in your chest and your face turned red. " he thinks I'm cute." You thought to yourself.

"What do we have here?" A Dabi villain x reader Where stories live. Discover now