Part three- ladies first

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You were both walking once again. You were curious about Dabi's quirk and decided to ask him about it. "Can you feel it burning" you ask talking about the fire that came from his hands. "Yeah every time, what about you and your quirk? It must be fun singing people to sleep." He said teasing you. "I actually have two quirks, one of them is siren, which gives me the power to hypnotize anyone, but I can also enchant with it, and the other quirk well." You blush " it's a little embarrassing my second quirk is called blinker whenever I get scared, nervous,or angry a bioluminescent light from inside my body flashes makes a loud ding noise, think of it as my own body telling me that there might be danger. Dabi bursts out laughing. You blush a little his laugh was super cute to you. "So your *laughs* so your telling me if I scare you ,you'll blink and ding?" Dabi asks still laughing. "Yes now shut up about it!" You yell. You and Dabi walk a little more ,silently and you start to get an uneasy feeling like something was about to get you. Suddenly Dabi screams "y/n behind you!" "What?" You yell hiding behind him. Your blinker quirk activated, you start to blink and ding loudly. You look around you frantically and see that here was nothing behind you. "There's nothing there." You say pushing Dabi but,Dabi was laughing too hard to care , "you do ding" he said gasping for air. "Are you going to shut the fuck up or not?" You yell. "Oh calm down little mouse were almost there anyway." He said walking again. You both go down into an abandoned subway station and dabi gets on the ground and lifts up a drain that leads down into a sewer. "Ladies first." He said holding out his hand. "What in the fucking teenage mutant ninja turtles, hell no there is no way I'm walking in a sewer." You say. Dabi rolls his eyes and kneels down in front of you. "Fine I'll let you ride on my back but only this one time." "W what?" You ask flustered. "Make up your mind little mouse I don't have all day." He says. You carefully wrap your legs around his waist, and your arms around his neck. He goes down into the sewer not saying anything. You couldn't really see much but you could tell that dabi knew where he was going. You could feel him, his heart beat and breathing were almost like a lullaby, his skin was rough but so warm like a blanket. You pressed your cheek against his neck, and closed your eyes. "Wha h- hey what the hell are you doing little mouse don't fall asleep on me." He said. But it was too latel your face was rested on the side of his neck. Dabi side glanced you, and smiled, whispering "damn it little mouse if you weren't so cute I wouldn't have a problem telling you to get off of me." You woke up not knowing how much time had passed. Dabi felt the flutter of your eyelashes on his neck and tried not to smile. "Well looks like sleeping beauty finally has awakened." He said. You smile "so it wasn't a nightmare." You say sarcastically. "Haha very funny." Dabi puts you down in front of a large door. The little slot on the door opens and two glowing red eyes ask in a deep voice "what's the passcode?" . Dabi looks at him in the eyes and says " ya know razor it would be a real shame if I had to burn down the door." The guy opens the door quickly. You get a good look at him. He was a really tall man with long claws and red glowing eyes. "My apologies boss." He said to Dabi. Dabi grabbed your hand and told the razor guy " she's with me." Then he shut the big door watching you and dabi walk away. Dabi talks to you leading you around what you guessed was the so called underground. "Look if you need to do anything you get me, some of the people down here can be dangerous and I can't have you getting hurt, by the way this is the underground." He says pulling open a steel door revealing a big, big room with thousands of villains, playing pool or drinking at the bar. 'Whoa" you whisper to yourself. "Alright you've seen it now come with me, this way," Dabi says taking your hand again. Dabi leads you down hallways and stairways until you reached a door. "Now this is my place." Dabi says opening the door. You walked inside. His place was actually bigger than you'd expected. It had a large tv with video games, a large kitchen etc. "alright little mouse your gonna have to stay here with me for a while before you can get your own place, a lot more people have joined the underground recently so enjoy seeing this pretty face for a while." Dabi said stretching out on the sofa. "That's fine." You say slightly blushing. You yawn and rub your eyes. A lot has happened to you and you were exhausted. Dabi smirked and could see you were obviously tired. "I'll take the couch tonight, you can sleep in my room"he says. You thank him and walk to one bedroom down a short hallway. You open the door and set your backpack down. You change into a set of p.j.'s and brush your teeth and hair. As you climbed into bed you couldn't keep your eyes open as you fell asleep with our mind racing.

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