Part ten- Any last words blue boy

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You woke up in great pain. You had to focus to see correctly, and you had a horrible headache. Your whole body felt numb, you tried to lift your head up but it felt heavy. You tried your best to move, but you realized you couldn't. You looked down and saw that you were tightly strapped in a operation chair. "Morning beautiful." You looked to your side and saw Zyrian there holding a scalpel. You used your siren quirk to hypnotize him and let you go, but it wasn't working. "Oh yes that wonderful hypnotism quirk that won't be returning for some time." He said. "Now try not to scream cutie pie." He stabbed the scalpel in your skin and began talking skin tissue. You screamed in pain and grit your teeth. He also took blood samples, it was some of the worst pain you'd ever experienced. You were bleeding and trying your best not to cry, you refused to show him your tears. Zyrian then stopped what he was doing and started to trace lines on your forehead with a marker. "W what are y you doing this f for?" You asked in a shaky voice. "Aww dont be scared pumpkin, you're going to be my new mutant puppet aren't you excited?, I just need to run a few test first and that mean taking a little brain tissue from that pretty little head of yours." He said walking twords you with a smirk. You saw he had an even bigger knife in his hand then he did before. As Zyrian was inching twords your head, you heard blood curdling screams coming from what sounded like bellow you. That's when you realized you were in a building, and it was most likely where Zyrian and his puppets lived, and were experimenting. The smell of smoke filled your nostrils and Zyrian swore leaving you in that room with the door open. You tried to wriggle out of the restraints in the chair while Zyrian was gone, but not even two seconds later, he came back running in that room and locking the door. You heard another scream and "BOOM" Dabi busted down the door and was fighting Zyrian. "Look who showed up Romeo to save his Juliet,how inconvenient." Zyrian said trying to mutate Dabi. Dabi fell to the ground again and puked up blood. "D dab bi " you said in the verge on passing out again from all the smoke and little oxygen. Zyrian grabbed Dabi and asked him " Any last words blue boy?" Dabi huffed and looked up at him slowly. "Yeah, heh i owe you one hawks..." you saw Hawks the number two pro hero use his feathers to slice through Zyrian's leg and held him to the ground. Dabi used his flames to incinerate Zyrian. All you heard was screams and felt the hotness of the fire on your skin. You could see the absolute fury in his eyes. Hawks grabbed you out of the chair and flew you out of that building with Dabi still inside. "Wait Dabi" you said weakly. "Hey, kid shh you're gonna be fine now just don't look back." He said flying faster. You laid your head on hawk's chest and passed out in his arms. Hawks watched Dabi set fire to the entire building, burning it to the ground. Hawks stopped flying and laid you down on some grass away from danger. He listened to you're heartbeat and checked your pulse. "Hey, kid stay with me c'mon don't die on me." He said your heart wasn't beating well and you weren't breathing. Hawks started to give you C.P.R. And tried saving you. You coughed and threw up, once you were breathing again. "Oh thank god." Hawks said sitting you up. Dabi caught up with the both of you and picked you up in his arms. The last thing you remembered was being carried home in Dabi's arms, and feeling his warm skin against yours.

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