Avatar Day

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Y/N point of view:

I was on the ground trying to relax myself until I hear my dimwit so called older brother say.

Sokka: What are you doing in my mouth? Momo, you need to be a little more sensitive to my boundaries.

Momo seems to notice something else on his left. He completely ignores Sokka's comment and climbs on his face, where he erects himself and pricks up his ears to determine what it is he heard. He chitters loudly, waking up Katara, who was sleeping on a nearby sawed off tree trunk. Aang, who is still sleeping soundly on Appa's forearm. He wakes up as the ground begins to shake. Then we were ambushed and we all escaped with Appa then I noticed Sokka's boomerang and o took it while Katara and Aang got the rest of the stuff and we jumped on board and left.

Sokka: Wait, my boomerang!

Katara: There's no time!

Sokka: Oh, I see, so there's time to get your scrolls and time to get your staff, but no time for my boomerang?

Katara: That's correct.

Sokka: Oh.

Y/N: Ugh, here.

Then I gave him his boomerang.

Y/N: Take it you big baby, you should be more careful with your things Sokka, a weapon is what defines a warrior of his tribe to me it's my sai's to you it's your boomerang and to Katara is her bending, and the Avatar's is his staff, got it.

Sokka: WOW, your actually still nice after all.

Y/N: I may be a killer, but that doesn't change the fact that your my brother and sister and that I would be ashamed of myself if anything happened to you both.

Katara: Liar, don't act like you care.

Y/N: Ya because you were enjoying yourselves in the water tribe, I was doing all the dirty work.

Katara: Nobody asked you to do it, you did it because your crazy in the head.

Y/N: Why don't you show a little optimism around here will you.

Katara: Really, says the one that killed hundreds of people.

Y/N: They are the scums of the earth, there is no one decent fire nation native around here.

Katara: Doesn't give you the right to kill them, you should have waited till the avatar showed up.

Y/N: What if Aang didn't show up, what would we do, wait another hundred years for him to wake up.

Aang: Why don't you two try to understand each other?

Katara: You abandoned us Y/N, the same way your parents abandoned you, didn't we mean nothing to you.

Y/N: Katara, we already lost our childhood from the fire nation, but instead of us crying about it, we grew up on our own ways, you became the so called motherly figure of the tribe and Sokka started to train the little ones, and I became the emotionless water tribe warrior.

Katara: Your a psychopath and a monster, you don't deserve anything, right now your only acting you care for us but later you will betray us and leave us to die and I'm sure of that and that's why I won't let it happen. Never speak to none of us ever again.

Y/N: Suit yourself don't ask me to save your skins again.

Then we all took our seats and continued our journey.

3rd person point of view:

While purchasing supplies, Aang, Sokka, Katara and Y/N learn of a festival known as Avatar day, celebrated in an Earth kingdom village. Curious and excited except for Y/N, they go to the festival, and find a parade with giant floats that are made to look like Avatars Kyoshi, Roku, and Aang himself. The trio initially believe that the festival is honoring the Avatar, and Aang is very satisfied with the fact. However, a man appears and torches the three floats to the loud approval of the villagers, who chant, Down with the Avatar! Katara promptly extinguishes the burning effigies; when the festival-goers protest, Aang reveals himself as the Avatar. Believing that he will destroy them, the villagers cower from him, and he is told by Mayor Tong to leave the village as he is an unwanted visitor. When Katara states that they have no right to question his honor, since Aang helps people, Tong scoffs at the suggestion, explaining that it had been Kyoshi, Aang in a past life, who the villagers believed to have killed their former leader, Chin the Great. In an attempt to clear his name, Aang agrees to stand trial. He is imprisoned, however, as the town does not accept Water tribe currencyto cover bail; he tasks Sokka and Katara with investigating the townspeople's accusations while Y/N left then and went to mediate since he didn't want to interfere with the heroes of the world while he was a psychopath. After hearing Mayor Tong's description of Chin's statue and his account of Kyoshi emerging from the temple to strike the emperor down, Katara realizes that Kyoshi would never have set foot on the island if the temple and statue were carved out of the same stone and the statue was built following Chin's death.

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